Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

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Iscritto il: 21/03/2012, 18:23
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Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da CM-Cena »

christian4ever ha scritto:Ma WinRar è gratis?Bisogna scaricarlo?

Oggi ci ho riprovato,ma nada :addolorato:
La versione di prova ès caricabile. Teoricamente dovresti usarla per 40 giorni tipo,però se cotninui ad usarla anche dopo il programma non ti dice nulla :EHEH

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Messaggi: 7068
Iscritto il: 05/09/2011, 14:22

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da DAMN »

Grazie per aver commentato :beer:

Comunque non licenzierei nessuno perchè se li licenziassi perderei un sacco di soldi (tanti quanto mi tocca pagare loro) e non è conveniente... E poi dei Jobbers sono sempre utili :bike:

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Messaggi: 7068
Iscritto il: 05/09/2011, 14:22

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da DAMN »

Main Event 05 June 2013
LIVE from the United Center of Chicago, Illinois

Opener: KOTR Quarterfinals match - Adam Pearce vs Kevin Steen
Adam Pearce vs Kevin Steen : Adam Pearce with a spinning neckbreaker on Steen. Spear by Adam Pearce. There's a two count on the pin. Kevin Steen powers out of a Adam Pearce headlock. Stiff chop lights up Pearce. Kevin Steen with a spinning neckbreaker on Pearce. Hooks the leg for a two count. Spear! Pearce is down and hurt. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Flying shoulder tackle by Steen sends Pearce to the mat. Pearce powers out of a headlock. Steen walks into a spike slam. There's a two count on the pin. Powerbomb on Steen. Pin, but Steen is out just before the three count. Big clothesline on Steen. Steen takes a headbutt from Adam Pearce. Adam Pearce misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Back elbow connects, Pearce staggers backward. Kevin Steen scores with a standing spinebuster. Adam Pearce is in trouble. Here it comes - Package Piledriver. 1....2...3, it's finished. Almost a *** rating, but there were some bits that dragged, so **3\4 instead.
Crowd Reaction: 64%
Match Quality: 74%
Overall Rating: 69%

Segment 2: Interview with CM Punk
CM Punk is backstage. He always delivers the goods interview-wise. He was out there to hype a match against Wade Barrett. Glad to see they're putting effort into getting the fans interested in a fight between the two.
CM Punk viene intervistato nel Backstage da Tony Dawson e, dopo aver ripetuto che vincerà il King Of The Ring e che è il migliore al mondo, se la prende verbalmente con Wade Barrett aumentando l'Hype per il loro match di stasera (ricordiamoci che ci troviamo a Chicago, casa di CM Punk).
Overall Rating: 97%

Segment 3: Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins w/Roman Reigns (The Shield) vs Bo Dallas and Hunico
The Shield vs Bo Dallas and Hunico : Rollins takes a flying neckbreaker from Hunico. Rollins blocks a punch. Seth Rollins hits a rolling kick on Hunico. Rollins tags out to Dean Ambrose. Rude Awakening on Hunico by Ambrose. Flying shoulder tackle by Ambrose sends Hunico to the mat. Hunico pushes out of a Dean Ambrose hold. Flying elbow from Hunico. Tag to Bo Dallas. Ambrose walks into a high dropkick from Bo Dallas. Bo Dallas uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Ambrose reverses a Bo Dallas hammerlock. Dean Ambrose with a spinning neckbreaker on Bo Dallas. Ambrose tags out to Seth Rollins. Tiger suplex on Bo Dallas, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Seth Rollins hits a rolling kick on Bo Dallas. Seth Rollins moves in for the kill. Avada Kedavra! 1....2....3. The Shield signal to each other...and they attack Bo Dallas \ Hunico! After an swift brawl, Bo Dallas and Hunico are left down in the ring. *** rating, as it was good, but nothing too special.
Dopo il match sale sul ring anche Roman Reigns e, dopo aver pestato Bo Dallas e Hunico, lo Shield somministra ad entrambi una Triple Powerbomb.
Crowd Reaction: 69%
Match Quality: 81%
Overall Rating: 75%

Segment 4: Video involving Cena, The Miz, Sheamus
A video is played, hyping the upcoming John Cena vs The Miz vs Sheamus match.
Un semplice Raw Rebound che ricapitola cos'è successo nel Main Event di Raw.
Overall Rating: 81%

Segment 5: Alex Riley vs Ezekiel Jackson
Alex Riley vs Ezekiel Jackson : A-Ry slams Ezekiel Jackson. Alex Riley hits some punches. Fallaway slam by Alex Riley. Flying shoulder tackle by A-Ry sends Big Zeke to the mat. Big Zeke drops out the back of a Alex Riley bodyslam attempt. Flying shoulder tackle by Big Zeke sends A-Ry to the mat. A-Ry walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg for a two count. Big Zeke only gets knees on a splash. Full nelson slam on Big Zeke. There's a two count on the pin. Death valley driver by Alex Riley, Ezekiel Jackson got planted. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Big Zeke powers out of a headlock. Big Zeke slams Alex Riley. Ezekiel Jackson misses a clothesline. Flying shoulder tackle by A-Ry sends Big Zeke to the mat. Alex Riley moves in for the kill. Final Score!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! I'm going to give this a ** rating because i'm in a generous mood.
Crowd Reaction: 56%
Match Quality: 62%
Overall Rating: 59%

Segment 6: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow (Team Rhodes Scholars) vs Santino Marella and Zack Ryder (Team Co-Bro)
Team Rhodes Scholars vs Team Co-Bro : Rude Awakening on Cody Rhodes by Ryder. Ryder hits a stump piledriver on Cody Rhodes. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Santino Marella. Team Co-Bro whip Rhodes into the corner. Santino Marella whips Zack Ryder in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Big clothesline on Rhodes. Hooks the leg for a two count. Santino suplexes Rhodes to the canvas. Cody Rhodes avoids a Santino Marella avalanche. Spear! Santino is down and hurt. Tag to Damien Sandow. Damien Sandow with a spinning neckbreaker on Santino. Damien Sandow hits a bulldog off the ropes. Santino Marella elbows Damien Sandow in the face to break a hammerlock. Tag between Santino Marella and Zack Ryder. Massive backbreaker, Sandow got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. Lifting DDT by Zack Ryder, looked good. Pin, but Sandow is out just before the three count. Sandow receives some punishment. Sandow ducks a wild right hand. Nice piledriver on Ryder. Damien Sandow floors Zack Ryder. Cubito Aequet! 1....2....3. **1\2 rating. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.
Crowd Reaction: 79%
Match Quality: 69%
Overall Rating: 75%

Segment 7: Interview with Sheamus
Sheamus is backstage. He put himself over, talking about how great he is.
Sheamus viene intervistato nel ring da Josh Matthews, e il guerriero celtico dice che è stanco di non venire considerato e di stare ai piani bassi, e dice anche che si vuole riprendere quello che gli spetta di diritto ovvero il titolo WWE e farebbe di tutto per vincerlo, ecco perchè ha interrotto il match tra Cena e Miz a Raw attaccando entrambi.
Overall Rating: 78%

Main Event: KOTR Quarterfinals Match - CM Punk vs Wade Barrett
CM Punk vs Wade Barrett : Back suplex on Barrett, which is a backdrop to you NOAH fans. Barrett reverses a CM Punk hammerlock. Barrett bodyslams CM Punk. CM Punk charges, Barrett moves, and the referee is conveniently placed to get knocked out. Wade Barrett scores with a big spinebuster. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. CM Punk backdrops Wade Barrett out of a piledriver attempt. Hard impact russian legsweep by CM Punk. If you're going to get impact, 'hard' is probably a good way to go. Tiger bomb by CM Punk, although no mention is made of whether it originated in Pearl River. There's a two count on the pin. CM Punk hits a great swinging DDT on Wade Barrett. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. CM Punk misses a clothesline. Spinebuster by Wade Barrett. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Barrett walks into a trip. CM Punk moves in for the kill. Go To Sleep!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! CM Punk remains in the ring, celebrating the victory. Almost wandered into *** match territory, but there was too much that dragged it down so it only gets a **3\4 rating.
Dopo il match Punk celebra la vittoria con i suoi tifosi che lo tifano tantissimo seppure lui sia Heel dato che ci troviamo nella sua città natale chiudendo così l'episodio; ora il wrestler di Chicago, con questa vittoria, è passato alla semifinale del torneo dove incontrerà Kevin Steen a ShowDown, il prossimo PPV.
Crowd Reaction: 72%
Match Quality: 73%
Overall Rating: 72%

Show Overall Rating: 73%

Television Rating:


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Messaggi: 7068
Iscritto il: 05/09/2011, 14:22

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da DAMN »

Smackdown 7 June 2013
LIVE from the Bankers Life Fieldhouse of Indianapolis, Indiana
Opener: 1 vs 1 angle involving Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton
Dolph Ziggler is walking backstage, when he meets Randy Orton. They trade insults, get in each others faces, but eventually walk off without coming to blows.
Dolph Ziggler stava tenendo un promo in mezzo al ring dicendo che lui è il miglior campione dei pesi massimi di sempre e che nessuno è migliore di lui, poi però viene interrotto da Randy Orton che chiede un match per il titolo contro di lui scatenando così uno scontro verbale tra i 2...
Overall Rating: 81%

Segment 2: 1 vs 1 angle involving Randy Orton, Ryback
Randy Orton is in the ring. Ryback comes out, and challenges him to a match tonight. The challenge is accepted.
...fino a che risuona la Theme Song di Ryback e quest'ultimo sale sul ring chiedendo anche lui una Title Shot per il titolo del mondo; alla fine viene deciso che nel Main Event stasera si sfideranno Randy Orton e Ryback, e il vincitore diventerà il nuovo contendente n.1 al titolo del mondo detenuto da Ziggler il quale non è molto felice di questa decisione.
Overall Rating: 83%

Segment 3: KOTR Qualifying Match - Adam Cole vs Colt Cabana
Adam Cole vs Colt Cabana : Belly to belly suplex by Cabana. Adam Cole powers out of a Colt Cabana headlock. Cole drives a forearm into the chest of Cabana. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Death valley driver by Adam Cole, Colt Cabana got planted. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Cole walks into a trip. Cabana drives a thrust kick into the chest of Cole. Vicious back suplex! Adam Cole got nailed. Hooks the leg for a two count. Northern Lights Bomb very nearly crushes the spine of Cole. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Cole kicks Colt Cabana in the gut to reverse the momentum. Reverse DDT on Cabana. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Cabana counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Adam Cole is in trouble. Colt .45! 1....2....3. A good *** rating.
Crowd Reaction: 70%
Match Quality: 80%
Overall Rating: 75%

Segment 4: KOTR Qualifying Match - El Generico vs Jay Lethal
El Generico vs Jay Lethal : Jay Lethal scores with a back heel kick on Generico. Spinning back kick from Jay Lethal. Second rope flying axe handle, Generico goes down. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? El Generico fights out of a grapple. Flying elbow from El Generico. Flying cross body off the top rope! I'll give a 0.8 on the Steamboat scale for that effort. There's a two count on the pin. Lethal counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Generico is down. Cover for a two count. Tornado DDT from Jay Lethal, Generico got planted. Pin, but Generico is out just before the three count. Generico blocks a kick from Jay Lethal. El Generico scores with a back heel kick on Lethal. Lethal blocks a punch. Spin kick by Jay Lethal to the face. Jay Lethal moves in for the kill. Lethal Injection! 1....2....3. El Generico extends his hand to Lethal...and it is accepted! They shake! *** rating, as it was good, but nothing too special.
Dopo il match Jay Lethal festeggia e alla fine stringe anche la mano a Generico dimostrando grande sportività; ora Lethal se la vedrà contro Colt Cabana nei quarti di finale del torneo che si terranno nel prossimo episodio di Main Event.
Crowd Reaction: 70%
Match Quality: 82%
Overall Rating: 76%

Segment 5: Interview with Team Hell No
Team Hell No are backstage. They put themselves over, talking about how great they are.
Il Team Hell No viene intervistato nella zona dedicata alle interviste da Tony Dawson, subito parlano di quanto forti siano come Team, ma alla fine l'intervista degenera e termina con la solita discussione tra i 2 campioni di coppia.
Overall Rating: 82%

Segment 6: Big Show vs Kane w/Daniel Bryan
Big Show vs Kane : Big Show receives some punishment. Big Show counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Big Show hits some punches. Kane charges, Big Show moves, and the referee is conveniently placed to get knocked out. Big Show scores with a standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's no one to count for Big Show. Kane counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Running knee lift from Kane. Big piledriver on Big Show. Cover for a two count. Brutal powerbomb on Big Show. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Big Show reverses a waistlock. Big Show hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin, but Kane is out just before the three count. Kane fights out of a grapple. Kane moves in for the kill. Tombstone!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Kane remains in the ring, celebrating the victory. I can't decide whether it's a *** or a ***1\2 match...let's go for a ***1\4 rating to make it fair.
Alla fine del match sale sul ring anche Bryan e festeggia come se avesse vinto lui l'incontro, questo non fa piacere a Kane e i 2 hanno una nuova piccola discussione.
Crowd Reaction: 91%
Match Quality: 79%
Overall Rating: 87%

Segment 7: KOTR Qualifying Match - Johnny Gargano vs Kassius Ohno
Johnny Gargano vs Kassius Ohno : Stun Gun from Kassius Ohno! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? Tiger bomb by Kassius Ohno, although no mention is made of whether it originated in Pearl River. There's a two count on the pin. Johnny Gargano takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Gargano hits a right hand. Big clothesline on Ohno. Cover for a two count. Death valley driver by Johnny Gargano, Kassius Ohno got planted. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Kassius Ohno takes a butterfly suplex from Gargano. Ohno reverses a waistlock. Gargano walks into a jaw breaker. There's a two count on the pin. Wicked suplex out of the corner from Kassius Ohno, executed well. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Ohno drives a thrust kick into the chest of Gargano. Kassius Ohno snap suplexes Gargano. Johnny Gargano avoids a Kassius Ohno avalanche. Fallaway slam by Johnny Gargano. Johnny Gargano scores with a standing spinebuster. Kassius Ohno hooks up a suplex, but Gargano flips out and lands on his feet, and quickly grabs the tights to score with a school boy pin! 1...2..3! The referee somehow missed the blatant cheating! Johnny Gargano climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory I'll give it a **1\2 rating.
Johnny vince illegalmente e festeggia in mezzo al ring mentre Ohno scuote la testa insoddisfatto del risultato.
Crowd Reaction: 36%
Match Quality: 75%
Overall Rating: 55%

Segment 8: Triple Threat Tag Team Elimination Match for the n.1 contendership to the WWE Tag Team Titles - Coleman and Alexander vs The Briscoe Brothers vs Team Rhodes Scholars
Coleman and Alexander vs The Briscoe Brothers vs Team Rhodes Scholars : Fallaway slam by Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes fires off some right and left hands. Rhodes tags out to Damien Sandow. Running knee lift from Damien Sandow. Full nelson slam on Alexander. Tag to Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes scoops up Alexander. Sandow bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Tag between Cedric Alexander and Caprice Coleman. Coleman hits a dropkick on Cody Rhodes. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Jay Briscoe. J. Briscoe hits a right hand. Coleman tags out to Damien Sandow. Full nelson slam on Sandow. Tag to Mark Briscoe. Death valley driver by Mark Briscoe, Damien Sandow got planted. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Tag to Caprice Coleman. Coleman hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Sandow blocks a punch. Damien Sandow hits a bulldog off the ropes. Cover gets three. Damien Sandow pinned Coleman. M. Briscoe gets slammed. Sandow slams Mark Briscoe down. Tag between Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. Death valley driver by Cody Rhodes, Mark Briscoe got planted. Rhodes walks into a trip. Tag to Jay Briscoe. Spear by Jay Briscoe. Cody Rhodes can barely stand. Crucible!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! **1\2 rating. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.
Crowd Reaction: 71%
Match Quality: 71%
Overall Rating: 70%

Segment 9: KOTR Qualifying Match - Michael Elgin vs Mike Bennett vs Xavier Woods
Michael Elgin vs Mike Bennett vs Xavier Woods : Woods hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Stiff high kick on Bennett by Xavier Woods who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Elgin ducks a wild right hand. Elgin slams Xavier Woods down. Full nelson slam on Elgin. Pin, but Elgin is out just before the three count. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Bennett blocks a punch. Elgin \ Bennett whip Woods into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Death valley driver by Michael Elgin, Xavier Woods got planted. Elgin receives some punishment. Elgin powers out of a headlock. Bodyslam by Elgin. Michael Elgin moves in for the kill. Revolution Elgin Bomb! 1....2....3. ** rating for this one. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.
Crowd Reaction: 61%
Match Quality: 67%
Overall Rating: 64%

Segment 10: Kaitlyn and the Funkadactyls vs Rosa Mendes and the Bella Twins
Kaitlyn, Cameron Lynn, and Naomi Night vs Rosa Mendes, Brie Bella, and Nikki Bella : Rosa Mendes slams Kaitlyn down. Right hand from Rosa on Kaitlyn. Tag to Nikki Bella. Face crusher from Nikki on Kaitlyn. Flying elbow off the top rope by Nikki Bella, poor elevation though. Cover for a two count. Tag to Brie Bella. Bella Twins whip Kaitlyn into the corner. Nikki Bella whips Brie Bella in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Kaitlyn takes a vertical suplex. Brie walks into a trip. Weak bodyslam on Brie by Kaitlyn. Tag to Cameron Lynn. Throat thrust from Cameron. Smell the talent. Cameron Lynn nearly ends the career of Brie with a screwed up dragon suplex. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Sharp kick from Cameron, although it clearly missed. Tag to Naomi Night. Brie takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Naomi Night arm drags Brie over. Brie Bella powers out of a Naomi Night headlock. Tag to Rosa Mendes. Right hand from Rosa on Naomi. Naomi tags out to Kaitlyn. Weak headbutt on Rosa by Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn DDTs Rosa, although it was hardly executed with pin-point precision. Rosa Mendes can barely stand. Here it comes - Spear. 1....2...3, it's finished. Nothing worth seeing here, i'll give a 1\2 star rating because i'm generous.
AJ Lee è arrivata a bordo ring sul finale del match ma alla fine il suo intervento non è contato niente visto che Kaitlyn ha comunque vinto e alla fine le alza la cintura davanti agli occhi.
Crowd Reaction: 67%
Match Quality: 43%
Overall Rating: 59%

Main Event: N.1 Contendership to the WWE World Heavyweight Title - Randy Orton vs Ryback
Randy Orton vs Ryback : Big clothesline on Orton. Spinebuster by Ryback. Hooks the leg for a two count. Ryback walks into a trip. Randy Orton fires off some right and left hands. Big clothesline on Ryback. There's a two count on the pin. Powerbomb on Ryback. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Rude Awakening on Ryback by Orton. Ryback drops out the back of a Randy Orton bodyslam attempt. Orton walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg for a two count. Ryback scores with a standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Rude Awakening on Randy Orton by Ryback. Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Ryback uses a forearm to the face. Orton reverses a Ryback hammerlock. Fallaway slam by Randy Orton. Lifting DDT by Randy Orton, looked good. Randy Orton moves in for the kill. Here it comes - RKO. 1....2...3, it's finished. Dolph Ziggler comes running down the aisle with a chair! Randy Orton is just leaving the ring...and Ziggler scores with a brutal chair shot! Randy Orton falls to the floor holding his head. *** rating for a good bout.
Randy Orton, dopo aver vinto il suo match, viene colpito con la cintura alla nuca da Ziggler che stava commentando il match dal tavolo dei commentatori, alla fine lo Show Off alza la cintura sopra al suo nuovo sfidante chiudendo così l'episodio.
Crowd Reaction: 89%
Match Quality: 75%
Overall Rating: 84%

Show Overall Rating: 75%

Television Rating: 3.95

Non so perchè ma mi si era riavviata la puntata ed alcuni segmenti sono cambiati nella valutazione (tipo l'intervista del Team Hell No aveva preso 93%... :cia: ). Commenti?

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Messaggi: 7068
Iscritto il: 05/09/2011, 14:22

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da DAMN »

RAW 10 June 2013
LIVE from the Nationwide Arena of Columbus, Ohio
Opener: If Sheamus wins he enters in the WWE Championship Match - Sheamus vs The Miz
Sheamus vs The Miz : Sheamus hits some punches. The Miz receives some punishment. Sheamus with a spinning neckbreaker on The Miz. Back elbow connects, The Miz staggers backward. The Miz counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Big backdrop on Sheamus, executed well. Full nelson slam on Sheamus. There's a two count on the pin. Sheamus reverses a The Miz hammerlock. The Miz walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sheamus scores with a standing spinebuster. Pin, but The Miz is out just before the three count. The Miz counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. The Miz hits some punches. Sheamus ducks a clothesline attempt. Back elbow connects, The Miz staggers backward. Sheamus moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Brogue Kick. 1....2...3, it's finished. John Cena comes running down the aisle with a chair! Sheamus is just leaving the ring...and Cena scores with a brutal chair shot! Sheamus falls to the floor holding his head. A good *** rating.
Sheamus riesce a vincere e quindi entrare a far parte del match valido per il titolo WWE di domenica notte a ShowDown che ora diventa un Triple Threat Match; dopo il match il guerriero celtico continua ad infierire sull'avversario ma interviene subito Cena che, dopo una scazzottata, riesce a spedirlo fuori dal ring. Il WWE Champion prende un microfono ed annuncia a Sheamus che gli è stato detto il Main Event della serata ovvero John Cena and The Miz vs Sheamus e un partner a sua scelta; dopo di che il leader della CeNation va a sincerarsi delle condizioni di Mizanin che comunque si è rialzato e sembra star bene.
Crowd Reaction: 86%
Match Quality: 74%
Overall Rating: 82%

Segment 2: Interview with Wade Barrett
Wade Barrett is backstage. He put himself over, talking about how great he is.
Wade Barrett viene intervistato nel Backstage da Tony Dawson, e il campione intercontinentale dice che la sconfitta nel torneo King Of The Ring è stata soltanto sfortuna e che dimostrerà nelle prossime settimane di essere il più grande campione intercontinentale di tutti i tempi.
Overall Rating: 83%

Segment 3: Fatal 4 Way to determine the n.1 contender to the WWE Intercontinental Title - Alex Riley vs Big E Langston vs Michael McGuillicutty vs R-Truth
Michael McGillicutty vs Alex Riley vs R-Truth vs Big E Langston : Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Michael McGillicutty uses a forearm to the face. Rude Awakening on R-Truth by Mike McG. There's a two count on the pin. R-Truth drops out the back of a Michael McGillicutty bodyslam attempt. Tag to Big E Langston. Big backdrop on Mike McG, executed well. Langston whips Mike McG into the turnbuckles...and predictably, the referee gets sandwiched. Big E Langston scores with a standing spinebuster. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Fallaway slam by Big E Langston. Michael McGillicutty powers out of a Big E Langston headlock. Tag to Alex Riley. Nice piledriver on Langston. A-Ry slams Big E Langston down. Big E Langston ducks a clothesline attempt. Bodyslam by Langston. Powerbomb on A-Ry. Langston tags out to Michael McGillicutty. Mike McG drives a thrust kick into the chest of A-Ry. Michael McGillicutty brings out a jumping powerbomb to nearly kill A-Ry. Michael McGillicutty gets whipped into the corner. A-Ry charges in, but into a pair of raised boots. Mike McG uses a roll up, with feet on the second rope! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! I'm going to give this a ** rating because i'm in a generous mood.
Michael McGuillicutty vince, e con questa vittoria sfiderà Wade Barrett per il titolo intercontinentale a ShowDown questa domenica, e proprio quest'ultimo si trovava al tavolo dei commentatori dal quale, finito il match, si alza e solleva la cintura mostrandola a McGuillicutty che la indica; Riley intanto scuote la testa affranto della sconfitta.
Crowd Reaction: 68%
Match Quality: 66%
Overall Rating: 67%

Segment 4: Stable angle involving Tensai, The Shield
Tensai is in the ring, when The Shield run down and hit the ring. They swarm all over him and beat him down. When Dean Ambrose is satisfied with the beating, they back off and head back toward the locker room, their point made.
Tensai si trovava sul ring ad attendere il suo avversario per un match ma viene attaccato improvvisamente dallo Shield che alla fine, dopo averlo stremato, lo colpiscono con la loro Triple Powerbomb prima di tornarsene di nuovo tra il pubblico senza spiegare il motivo delle loro azioni.
Overall Rating: 68%

Segment 5: Chuck Taylor vs Santino Marella
Chuck Taylor vs Santino Marella : Santino slams Chuck Taylor down. Nice piledriver on Taylor. Hooks the leg for a two count. Taylor pushes out of a Santino Marella hold. Taylor hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Taylor uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Cover for a two count. Tiger suplex on Santino, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Santino takes a flying neckbreaker from Chuck Taylor. Taylor drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Nice piledriver on Taylor. Hooks the leg for a two count. Death valley driver by Santino Marella, Chuck Taylor got planted. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Big clothesline on Taylor. Santino Marella fires off some right and left hands. Taylor counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Flying elbow from Chuck Taylor. Springboard dropkick from Chuck Taylor. Nicely done. Santino Marella gets knocked to the ground by Taylor. Here it comes...Cross Crab! Santino Marella taps! I'm going to give this a ** rating because i'm in a generous mood.
Crowd Reaction: 70%
Match Quality: 61%
Overall Rating: 67%

Segment 6: Interview with Volador Jr.
Volador Jr. is backstage. He talked trash about Rey Mysterio. See, it's simple - they insult each other, build up some heat, then fight. It's not rocket science.
Volador Jr. si trova in mezzo al ring e spiega il perchè delle sue azioni di settimana scorsa: in parole povere dice che lui è stanco di vedere tutte le settimane Rey Mysterio e Sin Cara rappresentare il Messico nella WWE perchè non fanno altro che far perdere prestigio alla Lucha Libre e ai Luchadores, sono infatti spazzatura, lui invece è un vero Luchador e dimostrerà al mondo intero di che pasta è fatta la Lucha Libre messicana, ed infine annuncia che debutterà sul ring a ShowDown lanciando una sfida a chiunque del roster.
Overall Rating: 67%

Segment 7: Kyle O'Reilly vs Zack Ryder
Kyle O'Reilly vs Zack Ryder : Bodyslam by Ryder. Spinebuster by Zack Ryder. There's a two count on the pin. Kyle O'Reilly elbows Zack Ryder in the face to break a hammerlock. Belly to belly suplex by O'Reilly. Running knee lift from Kyle O'Reilly. There's a two count on the pin. Delayed brainbuster suplex, O'Reilly held that one for ages. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. O'Reilly drives a thrust kick into the chest of Ryder. O'Reilly only gets knees on a splash. Ryder hits a stump piledriver on Kyle O'Reilly. Cover for a two count. Lifting DDT by Zack Ryder, looked good. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Gut buster, O'Reilly hits hard. Ryder bodyslams Kyle O'Reilly. O'Reilly blocks a punch. Bodyslam by O'Reilly. Spear! Ryder is down and hurt. Kyle O'Reilly sets Zack Ryder up in the corner. Tornado DDT, forget about it. 1....2...3! *** rating for a good bout.
Crowd Reaction: 67%
Match Quality: 78%
Overall Rating: 72%

Segment 8: Ambush angle involving Yoshi Tatsu, Conor O'Brian, The Shield
Yoshi \ O'Brian are walking backstage when they get jumped from behind by Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns. Yoshi and O'Brian get beaten down and left hurt on the floor as their three attackers walk off.
Tatsu e O'Brian stavano parlando nel backstage quando vengono attaccati brutalmente e inspiegabilmente dallo Shield che, dopo averli malmenati e lasciati stesi a terra doloranti, se ne va senza dare delle spiegazioni.
Overall Rating: 70%

Segment 9: 1 vs 1 angle involving CM Punk, Kevin Steen
CM Punk is walking backstage, when he meets Kevin Steen. They trade insults, get in each others faces, but eventually walk off without coming to blows.
CM Punk si trovava nel ring dove prometteva che avrebbe vinto il torneo del King Of The Ring ma all'improvviso risuona la Theme di Kevin Steen che lo interrompe e tra i 2 inizia uno scontro verbale che termina con un faccia a faccia; ricordiamo come loro 2 si scontreranno l'uno contro l'altro nella prima semifinale del KOTR a ShowDown questa domenica.
Overall Rating: 86%

Segment 10: AJ Lee vs Aksana
AJ Lee vs Aksana : AJ hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Aksana walks into a high dropkick from AJ Lee. AJ hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Cover for a two count. Second rope flying axe handle, Aksana goes down. Hooks the leg for a two count. Aksana fights out of a grapple. Aksana hits some weak-looking punches. Cover for a two count. Messed up bodyslam by Aksana. Aksana walks into a trip. Springboard dropkick from AJ Lee. Nicely done. Aksana gets knocked to the ground by AJ. Here it comes...Octopus! Aksana taps! AJ Lee climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as she celebrates her victory I'll give it a * rating for not being too bad.
AJ Lee festeggia e sorride in direzione di Kaitlyn, che era apparsa sullo Stage verso la fine del match, facendo poi il segno della cintura.
Crowd Reaction: 56%
Match Quality: 50%
Overall Rating: 54%

Main Event: John Cena and The Miz vs Sheamus and Mistery Partner (Wade Barrett)
John Cena and The Miz vs Sheamus and Wade Barrett : Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, John Cena uses a forearm to the face. Bodyslam by Cena. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between John Cena and The Miz. John Cena and The Miz whip Barrett into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Hooks the leg for a two count. Running knee lift from The Miz. Wade Barrett pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. The Miz walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between Wade Barrett and Sheamus. Nice piledriver on The Miz. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Sheamus slams The Miz down. Sheamus drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Big backdrop on Sheamus, executed well. Tag to John Cena. Stiff chop lights up Sheamus. Sheamus tags out to Wade Barrett. Flying shoulder tackle by Cena sends Barrett to the mat. Wade Barrett can barely stand. Attitude Adjustment!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! The fight has started up again! John Cena and The Miz attacks Sheamus \ Barrett, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting. *** rating, as it was good, but nothing too special.
Alla fine il partner misterioso di Sheamus si è rivelato Wade Barrett che però è stato proprio lui ad essere schienato da John Cena. Dopo il match il campione WWE e Miz festeggiano ma appena il primo si gira un istante, Mizanin lo afferra da dietro e lo stende con la sua Skull Crashing Finale, successivamente prende in mano il titolo WWE e lo solleva in direzione di Sheamus che ha osservato il tutto fuori dal ring; poi sale sul paletto e continua a festeggiare con il titolo in mano, mentre John è ancora steso a terra, come se stesse già pregustando il momento di domenica, e in questo modo si chiude la puntata.
Crowd Reaction: 89%
Match Quality: 75%
Overall Rating: 84%

Show Overall Rating: 73%

Television Rating: 6.37


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woo woo woo man
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Iscritto il: 04/07/2011, 11:07
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Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da woo woo woo man »

Visto che non commenta nessuno faccio io... Il match a tre può essere interessante (intendo quello per il WWE Title), spero pero che Cena mantenga.... Barrett abbastanza pushato e dovrebbe difendere senza fatica contro Mcgillicutty, attenzione anche a Riley vista la reazione alla sconfitta... Ottimo KOTR con Punk-Steen da :godimento:

A Smackdown aspetto ancora la nuova puntata e non capisco lo Shield dove voglia arrrivare :-

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Messaggi: 7068
Iscritto il: 05/09/2011, 14:22

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da DAMN »

woo woo woo man ha scritto:Visto che non commenta nessuno faccio io... Il match a tre può essere interessante (intendo quello per il WWE Title), spero pero che Cena mantenga.... Barrett abbastanza pushato e dovrebbe difendere senza fatica contro Mcgillicutty, attenzione anche a Riley vista la reazione alla sconfitta... Ottimo KOTR con Punk-Steen da :godimento:

A Smackdown aspetto ancora la nuova puntata e non capisco lo Shield dove voglia arrrivare :-
Grazie infinite per i commenti! :fiori: :fiori:

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Messaggi: 8592
Iscritto il: 21/03/2012, 18:23
Città: Prato
Has thanked: 61 times
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Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da CM-Cena »

Benvenuti a WWF Extreme Rules '13 ! Siamo qui per commentare questo PPV e partiamo dal Pre-Show,un ladder match fra Sin Cara e Rey Mysterio !
Rey Mysterio v.s Sin Cara
Mysterio hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Rey Mysterio with a whip into the ladder. Spin kick by Rey Mysterio to the face. Hard back suplex on Sin Cara. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Sin Cara avoids a Rey Mysterio avalanche. Sin Cara with a whip into the ladder. Super frankensteiner on Mysterio, who hit hard. Rey Mysterio powers out of a Sin Cara headlock. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Sin Cara is down. Back heel kick off the second rope, Sin Cara goes down. Sin Cara elbows Rey Mysterio in the face to break a hammerlock. Standing leg lariat by Sin Cara on Mysterio. Sin Cara walks into a trip. Mysterio hits a dropkick on Sin Cara. Rey Mysterio has Sin Cara down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Torpedo Splash!!! Rey Mysterio climbs the ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Rey Mysterio is still in the ring celebrating. Sin Cara pushes the referee away. Sin Cara puts Mysterio in the corner. Sin Cara sets up, and hits a Sin Tacha! A ****1\4 rating,
Match Quality : 93%
Crowd Reaction : 92%
Overall Ratings : 92%

A quanto pare i due hanno ancora qualcosa da dire...intanto una gabbia si abbassa e i due ring (il secondo allestito appositamente per questo match) vengono coperti,è tempo del primo 5 v.s 5 fra i The L.A.S.T e i Shield N' Sword :
The L.A.S.T (The Miz,Curt Hawkins,Tyler Reks,Jack Swagger e Linda McMahon) v.s Shield N' Sword (The Briscoes,Kofi Kingston,William Regal e Shane McMahon)
Regal slams The Miz. Hard impact russian legsweep by Regal. If you're going to get impact, 'hard' is probably a good way to go. Stiff chop lights up The Miz. Super frankensteiner on The Miz, who hit hard. Kofi Kingston throws The Miz into the cage. M. Briscoe bodyslams The Miz. M. Briscoe bodyslams Jack Swagger. The Briscoe Brothers hook up Swagger, then hit a double suplex. Spinebuster by Jay Briscoe. Jay Briscoe launches Swagger into the cage wall. Back elbow connects, Swagger staggers backward. Massive backbreaker, Swagger got planted. Early reports indicate that the back was *not* actually broken, so the move's name should actually be backhurter. Tiger Driver nearly crushes the spine of Swagger. Misawa approves i'm sure. William Regal throws Swagger into the cage. Jack Swagger powers out of a William Regal headlock. Regal takes a sloppy snap suplex from Linda McMahon. Flying elbow off the top rope by Linda McMahon, poor elevation though. Linda McMahon throws Regal into the cage. Linda McMahon scoops up Regal. Reks bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Tyler Reks launches M. Briscoe into the cage wall. Lifting DDT by Tyler Reks, looked good. Tyler Reks drives M. Briscoe into the cage side. Flying shoulder tackle by Hawkins sends M. Briscoe to the mat. M. Briscoe walks into a spike slam. Hawkins and Reks whip M. Briscoe into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Mark Briscoe ducks a clothesline attempt. Bodyslam by M. Briscoe. Full nelson slam on Reks. Shane drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Reks \ Linda whip Shane into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Linda McMahon drives Shane into the cage side. Shane counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Shane hits a stump piledriver on Linda McMahon. Shane McMahon slams Linda down. Shane McMahon climbs to the top rope and hits the Coast To Coast! With Linda McMahon down, Shane goes back up top, and hits a second, and then a third Coast To Coast! Three in a row! It looks like Linda McMahon has been knocked out cold, and the referee is stopping the match as a result! This gets a **3\4 rating. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.
Match Quality : 74%
Crowd Reaction : 77%
Overall Ratings : 76%

I Shield N' Sword si portano sull'1-0,la gabbia torna su e ci prepariamo al prossimo match,un Survivor Series Classic Tag Team Match !
The L.A.S.T (Evan Bourne,John Morrison,Kurt Angle,Brock Lesnar e il leader Dean Moxley) v.s Shield N' Sword (The Hardy Boyz,Motor City Machine Guns e il leader Seth Rollins)
First Fall : Bourne gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from M. Hardy. Bourne tastes a high angle back suplex. It probably tasted like chicken. Cover for a two count. Evan Bourne pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tiger suplex on M. Hardy, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Bourne only gets knees on a splash. Doctor Bomb, Bourne landed hard. Cover gets three. Matt Hardy pinned Bourne. Second Fall : Hard back suplex on Shelley. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Lightning kick by Morrison on Shelley. Hooks the leg for a two count. Alex Shelley comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Back heel kick off the second rope, Morrison goes down. John Morrison can barely stand. Shellshock!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Third Fall : Big dropkick by Kurt Angle, who got good elevation. Kurt Angle hits a delayed suplex on Sabin. There's a two count on the pin. Sabin ducks a wild right hand. Springboard dropkick from Chris Sabin. Nicely done. Chris Sabin moves in for the kill. Cradle Shock!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Fourth Fall : Second rope flying axe handle, Lesnar goes down. Flying cross body off the top rope! I'll give a 0.8 on the Steamboat scale for that effort. Cover for a two count. Lesnar pushes out of a Chris Sabin hold. Death valley driver by Brock Lesnar, Chris Sabin got planted. Chris Sabin is in trouble. F5! 1....2....3. Fifth Fall : Running clothesline from Matt Hardy, sloppily done. Reverse DDT on Moxley. There's a two count on the pin. Moxley reverses a waistlock. Powerbomb on M. Hardy. Matt Hardy can barely stand. Here it comes - Midnight Special. 1....2...3, it's finished. Sixth Fall : Spin kick by Alex Shelley to the face. Shelley crushes Moxley with a running senton. Cover for a two count. Moxley counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Belly to belly off the top rope, Shelley got folded up big time. Alex Shelley can barely stand. Here it comes - Midnight Special. 1....2...3, it's finished. Seventh Fall : Fallaway slam by Brock Lesnar. Full nelson slam on J. Hardy. Cover for a two count. J. Hardy blocks a kick from Brock Lesnar. DDT from the top rope by Jeff Hardy. That looked brutal. Jeff Hardy floors Brock Lesnar...and climbs the turnbuckles. Through the air, Swanton Bomb! 1....2....3. Eighth Fall : Second rope flying axe handle, Moxley goes down. Super frankensteiner on Moxley, who hit hard. There's a two count on the pin. Jeff Hardy gets taken down out of nowhere. Lifting DDT by Dean Moxley, looked good. Jeff Hardy can barely stand. Hook N Ladder! 1....2....3. Final Fall : Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? There's a two count on the pin. J. Hardy crushes Moxley with a big legdrop. Back heel kick off the second rope, Moxley goes down. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Moxley drops out the back of a Jeff Hardy bodyslam attempt. J. Hardy reverses an irish whip...and Dean Moxley runs into the referee. Jeff Hardy can barely stand. Here it comes - Midnight Special. Cover, but there's no one to count for Dean Moxley. Running knee lift from Dean Moxley. Moxley only gets knees on a splash. Dean Moxley gets knocked to the ground by J. Hardy, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Through the air, Swanton Bomb! 1....2....3. A good *** rating.
Match Quality : 78%
Crowd Reaction : 83%
Overall Ratings : 81%

2-0 per i Shield N' Sword e Rollins festeggia,i L.A.S.T che per mesi hanno infestato la WWE sono costretti a sciogliersi ! passiamo ora ad un altro tipo di rivalità,quella fra Sammy Zayn e Charlie Haas per lo U.S Title
LADDER MATCH (for the U.S Championship)
Charlie Haas (c) v.s Sammy Zayn
Charlie Haas with a whip into the ladder. Brainbuster suplex by Charlie Haas, who apparently is in the mood to bust some brains. Sammy Zayn avoids a Charlie Haas avalanche. Zayn hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Driven DDT by Sammy Zayn. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. HBK-style splash from the top of the ladder! Sammy Zayn hits a rolling kick on Haas. Haas blocks a punch. Zayn takes a quick lariat. Northern Lights Bomb very nearly crushes the spine of Zayn. Stun Gun from Charlie Haas! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? Ladder-shot by Haas. Zayn counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Flying elbow from Sammy Zayn. Diamond Dust from Sammy Zayn, Haas is out. Sammy Zayn moves in for the kill. Yakuza Kick! Sammy Zayn climbs the ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Sammy Zayn goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory This one gets a ***1\4 rating, it was a good bout.
Match Quality : 83%
Crowd Reaction : 89%
Overall Ratings : 87%

Zayn si conferma uno dei debutti più scoppiettanti del nuovo decennio,vincendo lo U.S Title a pochi mesi dalla prima apparizione ! Passiamo ora al match fra Daniel Bryan e Dolph Ziggler.
LAST MAN STANDING MATCH (For the Intercontinental Title)
Dolph Ziggler (c) v.s Daniel Bryan
Bryan gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Ziggler. Singapore cane shot by Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler snap suplexes Bryan...with authority! ('With authority', trademark G.Monsoon 1986.) Ziggler drives a thrust kick into the chest of Bryan. Bryan counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Slam into the table by Bryan. Ziggler walks into a stiff sit-out jaw breaker. The referee gets to a five count....and Dolph Ziggler gets back up. Ziggler pushes out of a Daniel Bryan hold. Lightning kick by Ziggler on Bryan. The referee gets to a five count....and Daniel Bryan gets back up. Bryan walks into a face crusher variation. The referee is counting: 7....8....Daniel Bryan is back up. Bryan reverses a waistlock. Dolph Ziggler walks into a stiff lariat clothesline from Bryan. Dolph Ziggler takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Daniel Bryan takes a butterfly suplex from Ziggler. Daniel Bryan is in trouble. Zig Zag!!! That shook the ring. The referee counts to 10, this match is over! Dolph Ziggler is still in the ring celebrating. Daniel Bryan pushes the referee away. Daniel Bryan drops Ziggler to the canvas. Daniel Bryan quickly locks on the LeBell Lock! Good **** rating.
Match Quality : 86%
Crowd Reaction : 95%
Overall Ratings : 92%

Zigglerr conserva il titolo ma non è finita a quanto pare...Passiamo al match fra CM Punk e Stone Cold Steve Austin !
CM Punk v.s Stone Cold Steve Austin
Singapore cane shot by CM Punk. Stone Cold walks into a stiff sit-out jaw breaker. There's a two count on the pin. Stone Cold counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Steve Austin hits CM Punk. Steve Austin strikes CM Punk. Cover gets three. Steve Austin pinned CM Punk. The referee is counting: 5....6....CM Punk is back up. Frying pan shot by Stone Cold. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Stone Cold slams CM Punk down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. CM Punk counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. CM Punk almost belly-to-belly suplexes Steve Austin through the mat. Pin, three count, it's over. CM Punk pins Stone Cold. The referee is counting: 5....6....Steve Austin is back up. Blind lariat by CM Punk, Stone Cold never saw it coming until it was too late. Cover gets three. CM Punk pinned Stone Cold. The referee counts: 6....7...8....but Stone Cold stands up. Vertical suplex by CM Punk. Slam into the table by CM Punk. Stone Cold counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Stone Cold slams CM Punk down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. Flapjack from Stone Cold on CM Punk. Steve Austin moves in for the kill. Stone Cold Stunner!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! The referee counts to 10, this match is over! The fight has started up again! Steve Austin attacks CM Punk, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting. *** rating, as it was good, but nothing too special.
Match Quality : 73%
Crowd Reaction : 93%
Overall Ratings : 86%

Ottimo match fra SCSA e Punk,che però non è una conclusione. Let's go to the pre-Main Event : Cody Rhodes v.s Corleon Del Rio per i WHC !
IRON MAN MATCH (For the World Heavyweight Championship
CorLeon Del Rio (c) v.s Cody Rhodes
FIRST FALL: Big backdrop on CorLeon, executed well. Spinebuster by Cody Rhodes. There's a two count on the pin. CorLeon backdrops Cody Rhodes out of a piledriver attempt. Standing leg lariat by CorLeon Del Rio on Rhodes. Big dropkick by CorLeon Del Rio, who got good elevation. Cover for a two count. Death valley driver by CorLeon Del Rio, Cody Rhodes got planted. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. CorLeon uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Cody Rhodes pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Spear by Cody Rhodes. Cover for a two count. Massive lariat, apparently Rhodes has been watching The Best Of Stan Hansen again. Pin, but CorLeon is out just before the three count. Back elbow connects, CorLeon staggers backward. Rhodes slams CorLeon Del Rio. CorLeon reverses a waistlock. Stun Gun from CorLeon Del Rio! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? Brutal powerbomb on Rhodes. Pin, three count, it's over. CorLeon Del Rio pins Rhodes. SECOND FALL: Big forearm by CorLeon Del Rio, ripping a page from the NOAH playbook. CorLeon drives a forearm into the chest of Rhodes. Hard back suplex on Rhodes. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Vertical suplex by CorLeon Del Rio. CorLeon walks into a trip. Back elbow connects, CorLeon staggers backward. Cody Rhodes hits a bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. CorLeon Del Rio avoids a Cody Rhodes avalanche. Rhodes walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg for a two count. DDT from the top rope by CorLeon Del Rio. That looked brutal. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Cody Rhodes takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Nice piledriver on CorLeon. Pin, three count, it's over. Cody Rhodes pins CorLeon. THIRD FALL: Rhodes gets slammed. Cody Rhodes elbows CorLeon Del Rio in the face to break a hammerlock. Rhodes slams CorLeon Del Rio. Rhodes whips CorLeon into the turnbuckles...and predictably, the referee gets sandwiched. Death valley driver by Cody Rhodes, CorLeon Del Rio got planted. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. CorLeon Del Rio comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Bodyslam by CorLeon. CorLeon crushes Rhodes with a big legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Spear! Rhodes is down and hurt. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Rhodes backdrops CorLeon Del Rio out of a piledriver attempt. CorLeon walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg for a close fall. CorLeon blocks a kick from Cody Rhodes. CorLeon Del Rio has Cody Rhodes down on the canvas. Here it comes...Rolling Cross Armbreaker! Cody Rhodes taps! END OF BOUT. Cody Rhodes gives a murderous look toward CorLeon Del Rio...and attacks! CorLeon gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. Rhodes picks him up...and launches him over the top rope to the outside. A small measure of revenge has been taken. A good *** rating.
Match Quality : 72%
Crowd Reaction : 97%
Overall Ratings : 89%

E ora il MAIN EVENT ! Un I Quit match,un match che John Cena non ha MAI perso,fra lo stesso Cena e il campione Raven per il WWF Title !
I QUIT MATCH (For the WWF Championship)
John Cena (ECW Champion) v.s Raven (WWF Champion)
Full nelson slam on Raven. John Cena misses a clothesline. Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Raven uses a forearm to the face. Raven with a spinning neckbreaker on Cena. Flying shoulder tackle by Raven sends Cena to the mat. Cena backdrops Raven out of a piledriver attempt. Nice piledriver on Raven. Lifting DDT by John Cena, looked good. Bodyslam by Cena. Cena only gets knees on a splash. Running knee lift from Raven. Massive lariat, apparently Raven has been watching The Best Of Stan Hansen again. Raven floors John Cena and locks in an ankle lock! The referee asks Cena....and we have a submission! The match is over. Raven is still in the ring celebrating. John Cena pushes the referee away. John Cena spins Raven around. John Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment! I can't decide whether it's a *** or a ***1\2 match...let's go for a ***1\4 rating to make it fair.
Match Quality : 78%
Crowd Reaction : 91%
Overall Ratings : 87%

Raven è ancora il campione WWF ! John Cena ha detto "I Quit",ma poi ha attaccato Raven alle spalle ! Vedremo come si svilupperanno le rivalità nel prossimo PPV....

OVERALL RATINGS : 85% (We got a 1.97 buy rate for 'Extreme Rules'!
The attendance was 20315 people.
We made $4925000 from pay-per-view revenue.
We made $1218900 from ticket sales.)

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Messaggi: 6221
Iscritto il: 09/05/2011, 17:01
Città: Ontario, Canada
Località: I am the one who knocks.

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da CaptainCharismaPeep »


WWE: Stravolgimento nel Booking Team. Succederà qualcosa di importante nel prossimo Raw? Immagine

In seguito alla vendita di una parte delle azioni della World Wrestling Entertainment verso un fondo privato, la CCProduction, ed in seguito all'ultima riunione svoltasi in quel di Stamford, sembra che ci sono stati diversi cambi di ruolo nello staff tecnico e, sopratutto, nel Booking Team. Molti membri sono stati soppiantati dal nuovo staff scelto durante tale riunione, mentre molti altri sono stati aggiornati sulle nuove direttive da intraprendere. Ma le rivoluzioni sembrano non essere finite qui: sembra che, nella prossima puntata di Raw, possa succedere qualcosa di imprevedibile che sconvolgerà la programmazione per i prossimi tapings della federazione. Queste piccole informazioni ci sono pervenute da una fonte affidabile, relativa all'account twitter ufficiale della nuova società azionista: "La @WWE respirerà un'aria diversa... nuova? Diciamo... #RAW 6-3-13". La data è proprio quella della prossima puntata di Raw, del 3 Giugno 2013. Cosa dovremmo aspettarci?

Riprovo a fare un Diario :LOL:

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Messaggi: 6221
Iscritto il: 09/05/2011, 17:01
Città: Ontario, Canada
Località: I am the one who knocks.

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da CaptainCharismaPeep »

RAW #1 ('The Power is back')
from the XL Center of Hartford, CT

Monday 3rd June, 2013
Opening: Vince McMahon annuncia dei cambiamenti!
L'arena di Hartford, nell'apertura, ascolta le parole di Vincent Kennedy McMahon, che sceso sul ring annuncia delle novità riguardanti la WWE ed il roster di Raw. La dirigenza, infatti, si è riunita ed ha deciso di apportare delle modifiche riguardanti il Roster. Proprio come qualche anno fa, tornerà la divisione dei Roster: Raw da una parte, SmackDown dall'altra, con tanto di Draft Lottery annuale! I wrestlers che al momento lotteranno a Raw sono stati scelti da McMahon in persona che - come dice lui stesso - sarà il General Manager dello Show rosso. Applausi del pubblico. McMahon afferma, però, che ha avuto molto da discutere con il General Manager di SmackDown, sopratutto su alcune scelte. Il General Manager dello show blu, però, non viene nominato da McMahon, che dice ai fans che scopriranno loro stessi chi si cela dietro il suo volto nella prossima puntata di SmackDown. Con un "Raw does it better", McMahon annuncia che per la serata il campione WWE, John Cena, dovrà affrontare alcuni dei suoi pretendenti più importanti, come Cena e Big Show, e dovrà cercarsi al più presto un tag team partner se non vuole perdere il vantaggio di avere una cintura alla spalla.

1st Match: William Regal batte Fandango che, a fine match, rifiuta la stretta di mano e lo colpisce.
Big forearm by William Regal, and it's BONZO GONZO....or something like that. Fandango takes a back suplex. Throat-first drop onto the top rope from William Regal! Regal drives a thrust kick into the chest of Fandango. Fandango reverses a hip toss. Big dropkick by Fandango. William Regal gets nailed with a suplex. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Fandango drops an elbow...but misses...HAH. Fandango gets floored with a brutal elbow to the jaw by Regal...that's more like it, VIOLENCE RULES. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Fast lariat by Regal, Fandango never saw it coming! Sucker! 1 - 2 - 2.999 Fandango kicks William Regal in the gut to reverse the momentum. Regal gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Fandango. Fandango only gets knees on a splash. Regal slams Fandango down. Fandango can barely stand. Knee Trembler! 1....2....3. William Regal offers a handshake to Fandango...and he accepts it! No! Fandango levels Regal with a cheap shot right hand! Fandango slams Regal down. Fandango climbs to the top rope and hits the Flying Legdrop! William Regal has been floored after the match.
Over: 74% - Crowd: 75% - Qual 74%

Segmento BS: CM Punk viene intervistato e parla di Cena
CM Punk viene intervistato nella zona interviste. Lo Straight Edge minimizza il fatto che Big Show sia al suo fianco, dato che questo è uno svantaggio per lui, mentre afferma che potrà finalmente tornare a dimostrare chi fra lui e Cena è il migliore. Domanda scontata: lui. Perché? Perché Punk dice che è l'unico che ha distrutto Cena in una serata e può ripetere ciò che ha fatto per altre 100 volte, se solo avesse la possibilità di sfidarlo in Pay Per View. Perciò, quello di stasera è per lui un palcoscenico troppo importante per ritornare in corsa WWE Championship.

2nd Match: Tons of Funk battono i 3MB. Dopo il match, Heath Slater si lamenta con Jinder Mahal per la sconfitta subita per un suo errore.
Thrown slam by Brodus Clay. Slater walks into a slam. Tag to Tensai. Back elbow connects, Slater staggers backward. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Death valley driver by Tensai, Heath Slater got planted hard...that was cool. Tensai tags out to Brodus Clay. Tons of Funk hook up Slater, then hit a double suplex. 1 - 2 - kick out before the 3. Slater blocks a punch. Tag to Jinder Mahal. Thrown slam by Jinder Mahal. Full nelson on Clay...i remember when Warlord used to do that. God he sucked. Tag between Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater. 3MB hook up Clay, then hit a double suplex. Rude Awakening on Brodus Clay by Slater. Big piledriver on Clay. Tag between Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal. Bodyslam by Mahal. Clay counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Clay tags out to Tensai. Full nelson on Mahal...i remember when Warlord used to do that. God he sucked. Heath Slater scoops up Tensai for a slam, then turns....but Jinder Mahal accidentally gets hit in the face with the raised legs of Tensai. Tensai floors Jinder Mahal. Gomennasai!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Slater and Mahal remain in the ring. Jinder Mahal does not look happy at losing. Heath Slater goes to leave, but gets pulled back in by Mahal. Tensions seem to be rising between these two.
Over: 66% - Crowd: 67% - Qual: 64%

Segmento BS: Dean Ambrose minaccia Del Rio per il suo match con il n.1 Contendering in palio.
Lo US Champion, Dean Ambrose, incontra Alberto Del Rio nel suo Locker Room. Il membro dello SHIELD, affiancato dai suoi compagni, minaccia Del Rio, e gli ricorda quali potrebbero essere le conseguenze nel caso il messicano si rifiuti di rinunciare alla shot per il titolo, rinunciando dunque a perdere. Del Rio non scende a patti con lo SHIELD, lui vuole il titolo e lo avrà. Ambrose ride, e dice che non riuscirà a diventare il nuovo number one contender siccome, in ogni caso, dovrà sfidare Seth Rollins, un uomo che è superiore mille volte a lui. Del Rio dice ad Ambrose che si vedrà fra poco, e lancia un monito al campione degli Stati Uniti: quel titolo sarà sulla sua spalla già a Payback.

3rd Match: Del Rio batte Seth Rollins e diventa il nuovo n.1# Contender all'US Championship.
Del Rio drives a forearm into the chest of Rollins. Rollins eats a suplex like a fat man eating a waffle. Man i could use a waffle right about now. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Rollins counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Flying elbow from Seth Rollins. Rollins hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Hard back suplex on Del Rio. Seth Rollins misses a clothesline. Powerbomby thing by Alberto Del Rio. Alberto Del Rio has Seth Rollins down on the canvas. Here it comes...Cross Armbreaker! Seth Rollins taps! Alberto Del Rio climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory.
Over: 86% - Crowd: 84% - Qual: 88%

Segmento BS: Del Rio viene attaccato dall'intero Shield, con Ricardo che chiama i soccorsi medici.
Dopo il match, Del Rio festeggia negli spogliatoi riguardandosi gli Highlights del suo recente match. Dopodiché, il messicano chiede al suo assistente di procurargli qualcosa da bere, siccome è disidratato e molto stanco. L'annunciatore esce dalla porta, e dopo pochi minuti egli torna, trovando davanti a sé Del Rio steso a terra. Ricardo chiama i paramedici, mentre le telecamere inquadrano il trio dello SHIELD che si allontana verso l'uscita dell'arena ridacchiando.

4th Match: Daniel Bryan batte Kofi Kingston.
Poweromb, Kingston is hurt. Back suplex off the top rope, Kingston got folded up big time. DDT from the top rope by Daniel Bryan....holy crap, that was sweet. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Kofi Kingston takes a butterfly suplex from Bryan. 1 - 2 - kick out. Kofi Kingston, like so many teenage boys, uses a right hand. Except in this case, it's for a punch. Kingston uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Super kick by Kofi Kingston. Bryan blocks a suplex attempt using the power of gravity. Kingston takes a rana from Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan has Kofi Kingston down on the canvas. No Lock!!! Kofi Kingston taps out! Daniel Bryan goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory.
Over: 82% - Crowd: 86% - Qual: 75%

Segmento BS: Cena chiede a Jericho di fiancheggiarlo in serata. Jericho accetta.
Jericho è inquadrato dalle telecamere, mentre è nel suo spogliatoio e si sta allenando con un macchinario sportivo. Le telecamere, dopo poco, allargano l'inquadratura, notando il WWE Champion John Cena. Jericho si ferma e da la mano a Cena, chiedendogli il motivo per cui è qui da lui. Cena risponde che cerca un tag team part... ma Jericho lo ferma subito. Il canadese risponde di sì senza far terminare la richiesta di Cena, il quale contento fa un mezzo sorriso. Cena lascia la stanza e Jericho sorride, dirigendosi verso lo stage.

Main Event: CM-Punk & Big Show battono Jericho & Cena. Jericho lascia Cena da solo turnando heel!
Suplex by CM Punk. Cena gets caught with a short powerbomb from CM Punk. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. CM Punk tags out to Big Show. CM Punk scoops up Cena. Big Show bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Running knee lift from Big Show. Big Show misses a clothesline. John Cena hits a bulldog off the ropes. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Cena tags out to Chris Jericho. Powerbomby thing by Chris Jericho. 1 - 2 - 2.999 Jericho slams Big Show down. Big Show pushes out of a Chris Jericho hold. Big Show with a spinning neckbreaker on Jericho. Big Show tags out to CM Punk. Jericho takes a back suplex. Jericho tags out to John Cena. Cena eats a suplex like a fat man eating a waffle. Man i could use a waffle right about now. In control, Cena reaches out for the tag...and Chris Jericho levels his partner with a right hand to the jaw, then drops down off the apron and walks away. John Cena is in trouble. Go To Sleep!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Big Show \ CM Punk remain in the ring, celebrating their victory.
Over: 88% - Crowd: 96% - Qual: 71%

End of the Show: CM Punk, Big Show e Jericho colpiscono Cena a turno.
Il pubblico fischia sonoramente Y2J, il quale fa un mezzo sorriso verso Cena, mandandogli un bacino prima di andarsene. CM Punk schiena il Leader della CeNation, dopodiché a turno i tre connettono le loro finisher: CM Punk ripete la sua Go to Sleep sul povero WWE Champion, Big Show connette col suo K.O Punch e Jericho sottomette Cena alla Walls of Jericho. I tre si guardano però a vicenda, temendo un conflitto interno, ed abbandonano il ring. Jericho fa il segno del titolo a Cena, e adesso i contendenti al titolo sono tre.

We got a 6.92 rating for 'Raw'!
The attendance level was 9026 people.
We made $361040 from ticket sales.

Commenti? Datemi anche dei consigli se volete :LOL2:
Ultima modifica di CaptainCharismaPeep il 02/06/2013, 15:43, modificato 2 volte in totale.

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Iscritto il: 13/04/2011, 14:58
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Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da christian4ever »

Vi odio perchè sono l'unico che non riesce a scaricare gli aggiornamenti recenti.

Comunque,bella puntata.Ottima la scelta di Vince come GM,hype per quello di SD.Bene ADR-Shield,interessante Jericho heel.

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Messaggi: 6221
Iscritto il: 09/05/2011, 17:01
Città: Ontario, Canada
Località: I am the one who knocks.

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da CaptainCharismaPeep »

Hai provato a scaricare questi?

Dopodiché devi sostituire la cartella DATA che hai attualmente con quella che hai scaricato da qui.
Et les jeux sont faits. :EHEH

Grazie comunque per il commento :love:

Jericho mi è calato di 12 di Over (ora è 84) per non so quale motivo specifico, siccome il turn heel è stato apprezzato.

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Messaggi: 43191
Iscritto il: 13/04/2011, 14:58
Città: Napoli
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Has thanked: 3480 times
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Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da christian4ever »

Mettimi il link sia per scaricare il gioco e poi quello degli aggiornamenti(che hai già messo).

E' una questione di principio,non mi importa se poi ci gioco.
Non posso essere sconfitto da un computer.

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Messaggi: 6221
Iscritto il: 09/05/2011, 17:01
Città: Ontario, Canada
Località: I am the one who knocks.

Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da CaptainCharismaPeep »

http://www.ewwarehouse.info/wp-content/ ... /ewr42.zip

Prova questo. E' un file zip, dunque devi estrarre i file in una cartella (o, come faccio io la maggior parte delle volte, trascinarli direttamente) :LOL:

Poi devi sostituire la cartella DATA che trovi scaricando EWR (tramite questo link) con quella del link che ti ho dato in precedenza. In questo modo hai la versione aggiornata a metà Maggio.

Setti il gioco in inglish e fai partire EWRevenge che trovi nella cartella. :fish:

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Messaggi: 43191
Iscritto il: 13/04/2011, 14:58
Città: Napoli
Località: Napoli
Has thanked: 3480 times
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Re: Extreme Warfare Revenge **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da christian4ever »

Devo ancora verificare...Ma credo di avercela fatta!
Una battaglia vinta :love:
