Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Il forum principale di Tuttowrestling: il posto giusto per discutere di wrestling (WWE, TNA e quant’altro) insieme agli altri appassionati.
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Messaggi: 909
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 17:09

Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da dany_619 »

Per esempio
Wwe champion
WHC champion
Intercontinental champion
Wwe Tag Team champion
Wwe CW champion

Gli manca solo quello US e poi ha vinto tutti i titoli della wwe

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Messaggi: 909
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 17:09

Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da dany_619 »

Nell albo d'oro dei titoli di coppia appaiono come campioni solo quelli che vinsero le cinture di coppia a SD!
e quelli che hanno vinto le ex World Tag Team C.?

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Jeff Hardy 18
Messaggi: 32550
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 9:55
Città: Milano
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Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da Jeff Hardy 18 »

dany_619 ha scritto:Nell albo d'oro dei titoli di coppia appaiono come campioni solo quelli che vinsero le cinture di coppia a SD!
e quelli che hanno vinto le ex World Tag Team C.?
Hanno vinto l'altro titolo.
Marco Frediani ha scritto:
Sbagliato, ci fu una battle royal tra tutti gli ex campioni IC che erano a Raw in quel momento. Si fece a Judgment Day 2003 e vinse Christian
Uh vero m'ero confuso con il torneo che si concluse ad Unforgiven 2004 con il ladder tra Christian e non ricordo più, Jericho forse?

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Messaggi: 909
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 17:09

Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da dany_619 »

pensate unificheranno mai il titolo US con quello IC?

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Marco Frediani
Messaggi: 10339
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:11
Città: Carrara
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Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da Marco Frediani »

Jeff Hardy 18 ha scritto:
Uh vero m'ero confuso con il torneo che si concluse ad Unforgiven 2004 con il ladder tra Christian e non ricordo più, Jericho forse?
Tornei non ce ne furono. Edge (campione) si ruppe e Jericho era lo sfidante al ppv. Il titolo venne reso vacante e Christian sfidò Jericho e si fece il Ladder Match

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Jeff Hardy 18
Messaggi: 32550
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 9:55
Città: Milano
Been thanked: 539 times

Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da Jeff Hardy 18 »

Marco Frediani ha scritto:
Tornei non ce ne furono. Edge (campione) si ruppe e Jericho era lo sfidante al ppv. Il titolo venne reso vacante e Christian sfidò Jericho e si fece il Ladder Match
Allora chissà che cosa ho fuso tutto assieme.

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Marco Frediani
Messaggi: 10339
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:11
Città: Carrara
Has thanked: 403 times
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Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da Marco Frediani »

Jeff Hardy 18 ha scritto:
Allora chissà che cosa ho fuso tutto assieme.
Secondo Cagematch l'ultimo torneo per il titolo IC fu quello fatto a Smackdown l'anno scorso

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The master of ROH
Messaggi: 3512
Iscritto il: 30/12/2010, 12:24
Città: Foggia
Località: "The greatest thing the devil ever did, was make you people believe he didn't exist"
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Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da The master of ROH »

losplendidovalenti ha scritto:riuscite a spiegarmi in poche parole in cosa consiste la "summer of punk"? :thanks:
Una volta c'era un video su youtube che faceva un riassunto, però l'hanno cancellato.

In pratica dopo aver vinto contro Austin Aries il titolo ROH, turna heel proclamando di portare il ROH world title alla wwe con lui. In uno show addirittura firma il contratto per la wwe sulla cintura di campione ROH. In questo periodo Mick foley fa qualche comparsa negli show ROH per convincere Punk a difendere il titolo prima di andarsene.
In seguito perse il titolo in un 4 courner survivol match a favore di James Gibson (jamie noble in wwe).
L'ultimo match di Punk in roh fu a Punk: The final chapter dove perse contro Colt Cabana in un 2 out of 3 falls match. A fine match Punk scoppia in lacrime e gli viene dato il giusto tributo prima del suo approdo in wwe.

Questo a grandi linee: dovrebbe esserci ancora il Pack completo di tutta la Summer of Punk su XWT, ti invito a recuperarlo se hai tempo e voglia :)

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Jeff Hardy 18
Messaggi: 32550
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 9:55
Città: Milano
Been thanked: 539 times

Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da Jeff Hardy 18 »

The master of ROH ha scritto:
Una volta c'era un video su youtube che faceva un riassunto, però l'hanno cancellato.

In pratica dopo aver vinto contro Austin Aries il titolo ROH, turna heel proclamando di portare il ROH world title alla wwe con lui. In uno show addirittura firma il contratto per la wwe sulla cintura di campione ROH. In questo periodo Mick foley fa qualche comparsa negli show ROH per convincere Punk a difendere il titolo prima di andarsene.
In seguito perse il titolo in un 4 courner survivol match a favore di James Gibson (jamie noble in wwe).
L'ultimo match di Punk in roh fu a Punk: The final chapter dove perse contro Colt Cabana in un 2 out of 3 falls match. A fine match Punk scoppia in lacrime e gli viene dato il giusto tributo prima del suo approdo in wwe.

Questo a grandi linee: dovrebbe esserci ancora il Pack completo di tutta la Summer of Punk su XWT, ti invito a recuperarlo se hai tempo e voglia :)
Il match con Aries doveva essere l'ultimo in ROH, la gente lo acclamava e blablabla e quando vinse il titolo turnò, Foley ebbe un feud ocn Punk (Team hardcore vs. team softcore, come disse Foley, con in mezzo anche Steamboat) in passato per quello apparì, difese la cintura con Daniels soprattutto.

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Marco Frediani
Messaggi: 10339
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:11
Città: Carrara
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Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da Marco Frediani »

losplendidovalenti ha scritto:riuscite a spiegarmi in poche parole in cosa consiste la "summer of punk"? :thanks:
Storyline fatta in ROH nel 2005 (forse la migliore della compagnia). Rapido sunto

- DBD 3: Punk (al suo ultimo match se non erro) batte Aries (match bellissimo) e vince il titolo. Dopo il match fa un promo dove dice di aver sempre preso in giro i fan e l'intenzione di andare via dalla ROH col titolo. Daniels (al rientro in ROH) lo attacca ma Punk scappa via.

"Isn't this the prettiest thing you've ever seen in your entire life? It was, it was almost, it was a year ago, it was over a year ago I held this belt high in the air after I fought for it for the first time in Dayton, Ohio against Samoa Joe and I proclaimed this right here the most important belt in North America. Right now, in my hands, as of this day, 6/18/05, this--becomes the--most--important--belt--in the world! This belt in the hands of any other man is just a belt; in my hands it becomes power; just like this microphone in the hands of any of the boys in the back is just a microphone. You put it in the hands of a dangerous man like myself and it becomes a pipe bomb. These words that I speak spoken by anybody else but me are simply words strung together in lucid form into sentences. When I say, I mean what I mean, I say, and they become ANTHEMS. You see if I can be afforded the time to tell all of you here today a little bit of a story; it's a parable of sorts: There was once an old man walking home from work and he's walking in the snow and he stumbled upon a snake frozen in the ice. He took that snake and he brought it home and he took care of it and he thawed it out and he nursed it back to health; and as soon as that snake was well enough, it BIT that old man and as that old man laid there dying, he asked the snake, "Why? I took care of you. I loved you. I saved your life." And that snake looked that man right in the eye and said, "You stupid old man. I'm a snake." The greatest thing the Devil ever did was make you people believe he didn't exist--and you're looking at him right now. I am the devil himself and all of you stupid, mindless people fell for it! You all believed in the same make-believe superhero that the legendary Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat saw some year ago today! No, you see, you didn't know anything. You followed me, hook-line-and-sinker, all of you did and I'm not mad at you! I just feel sorry for you. This belongs to me! Everything you see here belongs to me! And I did what I had to do to get my hands on this and now, I am the greatest pro-wrestler walking the earth today! This is my stage; this is my theater; you are my puppets and I pulled those marionette strings and I used your emotions and I toyed with them, you see, because honestly, I get off on it. I hate each and every single one of you with a thousand...and I will not stop. I will not stop until I prove once and for all that I am better than you, that I am better than Low Ki, that I am better than A.J. Styles. I'm better than Samoa Joe. Ladies and gentlemen, the champ is here. You don't have to love it but you better learn to accept it because I'm taking this with me and there isn't a single person in that locker room that can stop me.
- Sign Of Dishonor: Punk spiega le sue ragioni , testo del promo
"Now far be it from me to think I owe any of you people any kind of an explanation as to why I did what I did, but I just can’t resist. See, what kind of an evil genius would I really be if I didn’t extol you my master plan? You see, the only difference being my master plan has already come to fruition. I have, in my hand, what I set out to get. So I'm going to explain to you now exactly why it is I did what I did. You see, if I may, I have to tell you another little story. And I know the last time I told you kids a story, some of you had your heart broken. But I trust you, I assure you this story ends a little differently.

You see, about a year and a half ago, I was still working for a company called Total Nonstop Action. Me, and a couple of buddies of mine, were told that we could no longer wrestle for Ring of Honor. So what we did, and I’ll name names, myself, Jerry Lynn, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles and "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, all decided to have a little bit of a meeting late Wednesday night in Nashville, Tennessee. And as I sat there and I ate my food, I looked across the table at AJ Styles, who was the NWA World Champion at the time. A belt which by the way means nothing compared to the belt that I hold in my hands right here. And I watched as AJ could barely eat his food, he certainly couldn't look me in eye. See cause what we all agreed was if we stuck together, we could all work for Ring of Honor, we could work for whoever we wanted. I faxed a copy of my contract to the TNA offices and highlighted the part that said I could wrestle for whoever I wanted to as long as their names was not Vincent K. McMahon or they were running a pay-per-view. I explained by self to AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. I said 'AJ, you're the champ. You hold the belt, you hold the power. You can do things, they have to listen to what you say.' They all looked me in the eye, and they said 'We're with you Punk. We're going to stick together.' But I knew then, I knew that was the nail in my coffin. So I made my decision, and I stayed here and I stuck with Ring of Honor, and I like to think that I built this place. And I know for a fact that there would be a Ring of Honor for Christopher Daniels or AJ Styles to come crawling back to if it wasn't for me!

Who do you think built this company?! Who's merchandise money do you think paid those guard rails, or this canvas?! Oh Samoa Joe, is that what you think?! Do you think Samoa Joe was there every day I was in the ring training kids day in and day out, eating, sleeping, breathing Ring of Honor like I was?! No, he wasn't! And Chris Daniels and AJ Styles, and even Low Ki, turned their backs on this company, and I stood tall and I stayed here, and what did I get for it?! You people shit all over me, because it was always 'When's AJ coming back? Oh, Low Ki throws nice kicks. Oh Chris Daniels is so great.' And the whole time CM Punk, much like Atlas, had this entire world up on his shoulders. Lifting it up, building up the young guys, showing them the way, teaching them, and making sure you losers had a place to come hang every Friday and Saturday night. Everybody else turned their backs on this company except for me, and you turned your backs on my. I wasn't qualified to run the school, I'm sloppy, I'm this, I'm that. But the fact is, I was the backbone of this company, and now I am the champion and I hold the most important belt in the world. And there’s nothing any of you people can do about it!

So now, fast forward about a year and I get an offer from another company. I get an offer from the WWE. And what do I hear? I hear 'Please don't go. Please don't go.' Let me hear it now. Where are you now? All you people can chant all you want. All your voices combined still isn't louder than mine. So I take this offer from the WWE, and you people doubt that I actually signed a contract? If I have to listen to you people doubt my ability in this ring when I gave you the five star greatest technical wrestling match Ring of Honor has ever seen, when I gave the bloodiest street fight Ring of Honor ever seen. People, you didn't realize that you were in the midst of the greatest professional wrestler walking this world today, and he's in this ring right now. So I'm going to once again prove the doubters wrong. You people doubt I signed a contract with the WWE? Well you’re right. I haven't signed my contract...yet.

You see, this is my key to freedom. This means I don't have to see any of you people any more. I've already proved that I'm better than you. But what I'd like to do right now is sign my contract to once again prove you all wrong. Bobby Cruise, if you could hold the belt please, I want to sign the contract right on top of it. That's fine, that's fine. Have fun on the indies. Todd Sinclair, if you can hold this for one second please while I make a career decision here. Well I'd figured maybe you too would, you know, decide to grown a spine tonight of all evenings. Shane Hagadorn, one of my students, come on in here. Come on in. If you could hold that for me please. Oh, I got to get this notarized too. Is anyone a notary of the public? Here we go ladies and gentlemen, kiss my ass goodbye.”
con tanto di firma del contratto WWE sulla cintura ROH. Punk batte Lethal per il titolo e Foley lo obbliga a tornare il giorno dopo a difenderlo

- Escape From New York: Punk batte Strong e rimane campione. Foley,Joe e Gibson (Jamie Noble) lo attaccano e Gibson lo schiena con Foley che conta (quindi non è valido).

- Fate Of An Angel: Punk batte Gibson e resta campione. Daniels gli ruba la cintura.

- The Homecoming: Daniels e Punk pareggiano il match. Punk rimane campione

- Redemption: Gibson batte Joe,Daniels e Punk in un match a eliminazione e vince il titolo

- Punk Final Chapter: Colt Cabana batte Punk in un 2/3 falls. Ultimo match di Punk in ROH (escluso l'One Nigh Only del 2006)

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Messaggi: 5565
Iscritto il: 17/01/2011, 15:35

Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da dmj »

Michiedo perchè la Tna non riesce ad emergere e uscire dalla Impact Zone ???? Mancanza di visibiltà e popolarita o altro ?????

Messaggi: 28
Iscritto il: 01/02/2011, 20:10
Città: Sicilia

Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da cicotone »


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Marco Frediani
Messaggi: 10339
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:11
Città: Carrara
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Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da Marco Frediani »

Togli il maiuscolo grazie.

Se si parla di grande slam significa che ha vinto tutte le cinture della lega, facciamo che Raw e Smackdown sono separate (con Punk l'ha fatto la WWE) e anche se non ha vinto i World Tag Titles (quelli che erano a Raw) ha vinto quelli di Smackdown.

WWE World Tag Title
WWE Intercontinental
World Championship e WWE Title

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360°Tour Rome
Messaggi: 53
Iscritto il: 27/07/2011, 17:27
Città: Napoli

Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da 360°Tour Rome »

è una mia impressione o il ring della tna è un pelo più piccolo di quello wwe?

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zittino bob
Messaggi: 10098
Iscritto il: 27/05/2011, 13:27
Città: Modugno
Località: I lost my smile
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Re: Curiosità e domande **Topic Ufficiale**

Messaggio da zittino bob »

Una piccola domanda. è un caso che i "cattivi" quando non sono in tenuta da ring sono vestiti in giacca e cravatta. Mi spiego triple h ai tempi dell'evolution si vestiva giacca e cravatta, diventa face e si veste con maglietta e giacca di pelle. Y2J face jeans e maglietta tipo rockstar. Diventa heel e si veste con giacca e cravatta. Una coincidenza o cosa?
