Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Vader_time! »

The big dick club

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Chorus Guy
Messaggi: 414
Iscritto il: 24/12/2010, 0:43

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Chorus Guy »

Hanno registrato altre due puntate (tra cui Lockdown)

Impact Wrestling - January 30
* Bobby Roode kicks off the show. He has the World Heavyweight Title belt and admits it doesn't belong to him. He talks about how important the title is, how it was stolen from him and he wants revenge against Eric Young. Roode calls out Bobby Lashley and wants to settle it like men. Roode doesn't blame Lashley for any of this. Roode offers to give the belt back but wants a rematch. Lashley agrees and calls for a referee. Instead, Austin Aries comes out with a briefcase. Aries debates on cashing in his case but out comes MVP. MVP wants a title shot. Lashley agrees to put the title on the line against anyone tonight.

* Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne vs. Taryn Terrell for the Knockouts Title is next. Taryn retained. It was noted that Taryn has received weak pops every night this week but got a better reaction after her win tonight.

* Jeremy Borash comes to the ring and says we have a special visitor - Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer comes to the ring and calls out Eric Young. Young says this is none of Dreamer's business. Young says Dreamer is full of BS and goes into their history on the road together. Dreamer tells EY not to burn bridges. EY calls him a fat loser from New York. Those are fighting words and Dreamer takes off his jacket for a fight. EY snaps and hits Dreamer with a piledriver. He attacks a fan at ringside and takes his chair. EY goes to hit Dreamer with the chair but Roode makes the save. EY ends up hitting the kid at ringside again and then runs away.

* Jeff Hardy vs Abyss in Monster's Ball is next. They start off fighting in the crowd. Hardy uses a chair and they brawl around the ring. Hardy tried jumping over the top rope off a steel chair but crashed into a table instead of Abyss. Hardy goes for a Swanton but The Revolution comes out. They attack Hardy. Matt Hardy makes the save but gets beat down. The Wolves run out next to clean house. Hardy finally sunset flips Abyss from the top rope onto thumbtacks. Hardy hits a Swanton for the win. James Storm was upset afterwards and slapped Abyss around some. Abyss did nothing in return and they walked to the back.

* Mark Andrews and Rockstar Spud vs. Tyrus and Ethan Carter III doesn't happen as EC3 brings out The BroMans as his replacements. Andrews gets the win for his team with a Shooting Star Press. Tyrus and EC3 attack after the match. Ethan announces Spud vs. Tyrus for Lockdown.

* Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries vs. MVP vs. Bobby Lashley for the World Title is next. It starts with MVP getting beat up by all three before turning into every man for himself. EY comes out and attacks Roode while the referee isn't looking. EY leaves as Roode is left laying. Aries goes for a dive but Lashley spears him to retain the title. After the match, The BDC come out and attack Roode, Aries and Lashley. Gunner and Kurt Angle make the save. Team Angle vs. The BDC is announced for Lockdown. Lashley turns down the team invite and says he will never team with Angle. Lashley leaves to end this episode.

Lockdown - February 6
* JB announces Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode for tonight. Awesome Kong will also be in action.

* Rockstar Spud and Mark Andrews vs. Tyrus is up first. Ethan Carter III is at ringside. EC3 suckers Andrews out of the cage at one point and Andrews actually slipped getting out. It looked painful. EC3 hits Spud with the cage door, allowing Tyrus to hit his finisher for the win. EC3 goes to shave Spud's head but Jeremy Borash makes the save by cutting the cord. EC3 charges JB but JB runs away.

* Havok vs. Awesome Kong is next. They tart brawling on the ramp and around the ring. They go back in the cage and Earl Hebner accidentally gets knocked down by the door as Kong closes it. Kong no sells a chokeslam and hits Havok with one of her own. Kong wins after a splash from the top.

* The Hardys vs. James Storm and Abyss for the Tag Team Titles is next. The only way to win is pinfall or submission. Manik comes down and climbs over the cage. Matt Hardy pulls him over and Manik gets handcuffed to the cage. Storm climbed on top of Abyss at one point and jumped down with an elbow drop on Matt. Hardy got out of the cage somehow later on and was attacked by The Revolution. Jeff Hardy went for a splash off the top but got hit by mist from Sanada. Storm hit his finisher to retain. Koya slams Matt through a table. They put Jeff on a table in the ring for Manik to put him through but Manik misses. Jeff tries to escape the cage but ends up taking a nasty bump off the door onto the steel stairs. Storm assaults Jeff some more before they leave. Storm runs back out and hits Jeff on the ramp as referees are helping him to the back.

* MVP, Kenny King and Eric Young are out next. MVP says it's going to be a bad time for anyone getting in the way of The BDC. MVP calls Kurt Angle out and he brings Austin Aries and Gunner with him. MVP rips their team and say they don't want the match. MVP tells Angle to walk away or never wrestle again. Angle says they came to NYC to kick ass and they rush the ring. There is no match as Gunner gets trapped outside of the cage and attacked by Samoa Joe and Low Ki. They put his arm in the cage door and slam it with a chair. Security comes out as The BDC retreats.

* Robbie E calls Brooke Tessmacher to the ring and blames her for losing The Amazing Race. He challenges her to a race and he accepts. The race involves them spinning around with a baseball bat, running to the cage, climbing into it, back over it and back up the ramp. The judges are Jessie Godderz and DJ Zema Ion, who get involved and try to stop Brooke from leaving the cage. Robbie ends up pushing Brooke off the ramp. He poses before crossing the finish line. Brooke comes back and hits him with a low blow. She then crotches him with the bat. Brooke crosses over the line and wins. She goes back and takes a selfie with Robbie. This was described as pure stupidity.

* Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode is next. EY ended up calling MVP to the cage, he slid a steel chair in. EY missed the chair shot and Roode sends him into the cage, causing EY to bleed. Roode unloads on EY and then hits him with chair shots. Roode wins clean with his finisher.

* Team Angle vs. The BDC in Lethal Lockdown is next. Team Angle is short a man as Lashley didn't want to team. The match starts with Gunner vs. Kenny King. Low Ki comes in next and they double team Gunner with weapons. Austin Aries comes in next and unloads on the heels. Samoa Joe is next in. He takes out Aries and Gunner with trash can lids. Joe grabs a hockey stick and uses it on Aries. Kurt Angle is out next. Joe meets him with a hockey stick but Angle gets the upperhand. Low Ki hits a double stomp on Aries. MVP is out next. He beats on Aries and Gunner with a kendo stick. Angle hits a German on MVP. Joe hits Angle with a trash can lid. Lashley ends up coming out any way to make things even. MVP tries to attack him but Lashley wants to shake hands. MVP falls for it and Lashley cleans house. Angle had Joe in the Angle lock while Gunner had King in the rack but Aries won with a pin. Lashley unloads again and sends The BDC retreating. Aries grabs his briefcase and heads back in the ring to face off with Lashley. Angle gets in between and says not now. This ends the show.
Quindi Aries ha la shot al World Title...qund'è che l'avrebbero detto? O sono tonto e me lo sono perso?

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Messaggi: 6180
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:28

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Sacher »

Brooke and Robbie E. did an Amazing Race segment. Worst segment ever. I can't stress it enough. Classic TNA. It killed the entire crowd :IT:

Cori "This is awful" per Kong-Havok :IT: :IT: :IT:

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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Gsquared »

Niente, questo dover stupire a tutti i costi è il più grosso problema della TNA, paradossalmente ci guadagnerebbero di più (o forse perderebbero di meno) a fare qualcosa di più semplice e lineare...
Che amarezza...

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Messaggi: 11425
Iscritto il: 26/12/2010, 10:37
Città: Napoli
Località: Stop your crazyness
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da RobLP »

Cioè, chi minchia è andato over in cinque puntate? Nessuno. È solo un gran casino che non serve a niente. Chi ci crede che Lashley non interviene? Aries ha la valigetta ma ottiene lo stesso un match per il TNA World Title prima che la usi. Vabbè. Quindi Aries ha vinto quella per il World Title, Spud quella per l'X-Division Title, Robbie E quella per i Tag Team Titles e Magnus è stato licenziato?

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Chorus Guy
Messaggi: 414
Iscritto il: 24/12/2010, 0:43

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Chorus Guy »

RobLP ha scritto:Cioè, chi minchia è andato over in cinque puntate? Nessuno. È solo un gran casino che non serve a niente. Chi ci crede che Lashley non interviene? Aries ha la valigetta ma ottiene lo stesso un match per il TNA World Title prima che la usi. Vabbè. Quindi Aries ha vinto quella per il World Title, Spud quella per l'X-Division Title, Robbie E quella per i Tag Team Titles e Magnus è stato licenziato?
Non so se tu abbia qualche info in più (io non ho trovato niente), ma da quel che ne sappiamo Spud e Robbie E potrebbero avere le shot invertite.

Ah comunque Jeff si è preso un certo bump.

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Messaggi: 11425
Iscritto il: 26/12/2010, 10:37
Città: Napoli
Località: Stop your crazyness
Been thanked: 2 times

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da RobLP »

Chorus Guy ha scritto: Non so se tu abbia qualche info in più (io non ho trovato niente), ma da quel che ne sappiamo Spud e Robbie E potrebbero avere le shot invertite.
Andavo a intuito. Però sì con Mark Andrews in giro potrebbe anche essere il contrario.

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Chorus Guy
Messaggi: 414
Iscritto il: 24/12/2010, 0:43

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Chorus Guy »

RobLP ha scritto:
Andavo a intuito. Però sì con Mark Andrews in giro potrebbe anche essere il contrario.
Quel che ho pensato anch'io.

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Messaggi: 6180
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:28

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Sacher »

Insomma Magnus gone? Me lo sentivo troppo che avrebbero sacrificato il suo stipendio all'altare di Bram :IT:

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Messaggi: 21641
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 16:42
Località: zio Arthur spirito guida
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da salettone »

Sacher ha scritto::

Cori "This is awful" per Kong-Havok :IT: :IT: :IT:

che strano.
chi l'avrebbe mai detto?
salettone ha scritto:ma sono l'unico ad avere davvero speranze prossime allo zero, riguardo a Havok-Kong?
una è un paracarro, l'altra è ferma da quanto, 3/4 anni?

io c'andrei cauto con l'esaltazione

Hardy pare si sia preso un bel bump
" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Emperador Horace
Messaggi: 13351
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 16:56
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Emperador Horace »

Gsquared ha scritto:Niente, questo dover stupire a tutti i costi è il più grosso problema della TNA, paradossalmente ci guadagnerebbero di più (o forse perderebbero di meno) a fare qualcosa di più semplice e lineare...
E' quello che hanno fatto per tutta la seconda metà del 2014 e vi siete lamentati lo stesso perchè l'entertainment era scarso :)
Secondo me andava fatto un riassestamento del roster molto più massiccio, non mi aspettavo di ritrovarci Lashley ad esempio, e nemmeno Velvet Sky.
Passi per Lashley che almeno è un campione recente, ha starpower e lo puoi utilizzare per creare quel po' di interesse che ancora può smuovere, ma Velvet Sky a che serve ancora? A meno che non sia una mossa per tenersi bully Ray, in quel caso approvo.

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Iscritto il: 08/10/2010, 5:23
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da E.Ganzerli »

Tenete anche conto che Magnus è appena diventato padre, magari vuole rimanere a casa un po'. Non è detto che non ritorni dopo.

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Iscritto il: 21/06/2011, 2:07

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da yamazua »

E.Ganzerli ha scritto:Tenete anche conto che Magnus è appena diventato padre, magari vuole rimanere a casa un po'. Non è detto che non ritorni dopo.
Possibile, ma c'è anche da dire che stì qua registrano un mese di puntate in 3 giorni, e non vanno neanche in tour in pratica.

Cioè, non credo che in questo momento fare il wrestler TNA possa impedire più di tanto di fare il padre.

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Messaggi: 21641
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 16:42
Località: zio Arthur spirito guida
Has thanked: 38 times
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da salettone »

senza HS e con tapings ogni tre mesi, hanno bisogno di licenziarlo in storyline, per dargli una pausa?

più probabile che dopo il tour inglese, se ne vada sul serio

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Messaggi: 6180
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:28

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Sacher »

Ma Kay Lee Ray? Immagine Alla fine l'hanno presa o no? Quando debutta?
