Il giochino dei rumor da backstage

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Re: Il giochino dei rumor da backstage

Messaggio da PUNKisBACK »

Di Booker T che fa il culo a Batista e mi sembra Jericho che stende Goldberg è stato già detto?

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Backbone Crusher
Messaggi: 10817
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 8:56
Città: Bergamo
Località: Every Man's Nightmare
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Re: Il giochino dei rumor da backstage

Messaggio da Backbone Crusher »

PUNKisBACK ha scritto: 04/03/2023, 9:14 Di Booker T che fa il culo a Batista e mi sembra Jericho che stende Goldberg è stato già detto?
Penso di si, nelle pagine indietro. Su Jericho-Goldberg, comunque, la storia è diversa da come molti pensano.
Risale all'arrivo di Goldberg in WWE, periodo in cui Jericho era frustrato per il suo utilizzo. Un giorno, Chris passa nel backstage e sente Goldberg dire qualcosa o su di lui o sui wrestler piccoli, non ricordo bene. Ad ogni modo, Jericho, già scazzato di suo, va a muso duro e scatta una rissa in cui Chris chiude Goldberg in una headlock e lo molla poco dopo, quando gli animi si calmano un attimo.
Jericho stesso ha affermato che Goldberg, che aveva una forza fisica mastodontica, avrebbe potuto tranquillamente metterlo al tappeto, ma che non reagì alla headlock perché era appena arrivato e non voleva mettersi in cattiva luce.
I due poi si sono chiariti e non c'è mai stato nessun rancore per quell'episodio, se non sbaglio sono anche amici al giorno d'oggi.

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Barrett Garage
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Re: Il giochino dei rumor da backstage

Messaggio da Barrett Garage »

Backbone Crusher ha scritto: 04/03/2023, 8:22 Se non sbaglio fu Terry Funk a dire che Norman Smiley, alla vista, sembrava un tizio qualunque, ma in realtà era un legit badass e uno a cui non venivano mai creati problemi nel backstage, perché si sapeva che avrebbe potuto piallarti in tempo zero.

Un altro a cui non bisognava farle girare, ma che a vederlo non gli davi due lire, era Tracy Smothers. Si dice che l'intero locker room ECW lo temesse e chiunque ben si guardava dal creargli problemi.
Interessante. Adoro leggere le storie di quando il wrestling era tutto droga coltelli e puttane. A giudicare dai rumor che escono sul backstage wwe (niente proprio, nemmeno a pagare) temo che la notizia più grande sia che Theory su è rammaricato perché Waller non ha messo il like sul suo post, e che lo ha confrontato con un pm su Facebook facendogli notare il suo lieve rammarico con Waller che lo chiama al telefono scusandosi e mettendo subito il like e che gli regala una crema abbronzante ed una degustazione di tè di alta qualità

Avatar utente
Backbone Crusher
Messaggi: 10817
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 8:56
Città: Bergamo
Località: Every Man's Nightmare
Has thanked: 103 times
Been thanked: 671 times

Re: Il giochino dei rumor da backstage

Messaggio da Backbone Crusher »

A sto giro ne posto una decina, che sono lunghe:

160. The Sinister Minister supposedly stole Joel Gertner's wife.

161. When they were all in the UWF, Slater was dating Dark Journey. She hooked up with Sting behind Slater's back, but Slater found out about it and threatened to kill Sting. So Slater shows up in the locker room looking for Sting and finds him putting on his facepaint. Slater gives him a pretty good beat down because Sting doesn't fight back, knowing that he deserved it and didn't want to screw up his reputation by making any more trouble with Slater. After Slater finished with him, Sting got up, put on his facepaint, covering up the cuts and bruises, and went out and wrestled. Slater was fired from the UWF the next day.

162. There's also a greaet story Missy tells about the time she was dating Jake Roberts back in the day. Apparently, Jake had this weird thing where he liked to go to bars with Missy, but have her go in and sit at the bar by herself until some guy started hitting on her. Then, Jake would be watching from outside and come in and stare down the guy talking to Missy until the guy got up and walked away.

163. There's another story (this is sad that I remember all of these) about a time when Missy and Eddie Gilbert were having relationship problems, so she'd moved into her own apartment. She started dating Bill Fralic (thanks to Jim Ross hooking them up), but Eddie found out. One day he comes over to her place ready to go after whatever guy he found in Missy's bed. In the process, he knocks over a grill on the patio of the apartment that he thought was Missy's. When he finally gets into the apartment, Fralic is really cool with him and ends up giving Eddie a ride back to his place. As Eddie is apologizing for barging in, he says he's sorry about the grill. Fralic and Missy say, it's not ours. From the patio comes a voice, "It's mine!" The voice of the grill owner belonged to none other than Buff Bagwell.

164. Akira Hokuta and Kensuke Sasaki kept the whole hotel awake from so much LOVE NOISE~! when they first hooked up at one of those WCW/NJ deals.

165. Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch just showed up at the January 2004 MLW tapings in Florida. They weren't booked and just showed up trying to secure future bookings. Well that night (early AM) they ran up and down the floor Court had rented for the boys knocking on every door. Then they started on different floors when they went looking for ice. The kicker: they wearing absolutely nothing. Well Tammy was wearing a sheet when she remembered to pull it up. She's not a big advocate of shaving apparently. Chris was as naked as the day is long. Not very long at all in his case. The hotel tried to evict everyone because of this but Court got them to settle down.

166. Mickey J was at those same tapings. It's twenty minutes until show time and neither of the referees have shown up. Then with five minutes to go before the show starts Mickey J walks in off the street in his gear. He was two hours late and just walked right in off the street in the ref shirt. He stopped by the bar and bought two shots before hopping in the ring. He didn't greet anyone (including Court) or go over finishes. He just hopped in the ring and looked at the ring announcer long enough to say, "Hey tell someone to tell you the finish so you can tell me." He assumed he would do the first match and then go backstage to rest for the second match and get the finishes then. Needless to say, the other ref never showed and Mickey didn't leave the ring for over three hours. He got the finishes during the match from the announcer and worked the entire show.

167. Arn Anderson passed out in a bar in Georgia around 1995. He was in a circular booth with a beer in his hand when he passed out. The funny thing is that even passed out he held the beer in his hand only slightly tilted never allowing a drop to hit the floor. When security came to take him outside they woke him up and he pissed all over himself before calling them "cocksuckers."

168. At those January MLW tapings a few of the boys and regular every day citizens got wet when water balloons fell five stories upon them. The culprit liked to disguise his voice as a bird when he did it. But his voice sounds like a bass CD rumbling it's so deep. The culprit: Low Ki!

169. I don't know if this is true..but Supposedly Koji Kanemoto has been seen with many young boys. Liger recently cut a promo and mentioned the gay part, referring to the junior babyface group as "Kanemoto and his army of gays." I guess the jury is still out on the underage boys thing. All I can say is after reading 20 pages of sleaze here...I wouldn't doubt its validity too much, seems like anything is possible.

170. Manny Fernandez was once booked on an indy card featuring some of Ivan Koloff's trainees, despite Ivan's protests. Manny was a serious power drinker. Manny is booked in the main event as a "mystery opponent", but the promoter pulls Manny when he shows up lit the fuck up. The promoter then books Manny as the curtain jerker against one of Ivan's newer trainees and also refuses to pay Manny his full gate. Manny threatens to kill the promoter when the show is over. Ivan does not think that Manny is bluffing. Bell time comes around and it takes Manny 10 min to get to the ring. During the match, Manny beats the hell out of Ivan's trainee and shouts "I'm gonna kill you" at the promoter, who is sitting at the timekeeper's table. The trainee is mercifully murdered at the 5 min mark after a horrific squash (which the fans pop for) & is stretchered out legit from the ring. Manny rants until he is escorted from the ring by several refs and security. Ivan escorts his trainee to the ambulance and returns with hatred in his eyes. As Manny sees the promoter backstage and lunges for him, Ivan meets him with a right cross, knocks Fernandez cold, and shakes loose three of Manny's porcelain crowns.

Missy presumo sia la Hyatt. Tra questi e le varie shoot, ci sono tonnellate di aneddoti su di lei.
Lulz Candido che corre su e giù col pistolino di fuori.
