The day Eddie and Kurt Angle got into a fight backstage

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Iscritto il: 04/01/2011, 22:54

The day Eddie and Kurt Angle got into a fight backstage

Messaggio da Kaworu »

JBL ha postato questo "simpatico" aneddoto riguardante Angle e Guerrero poche ore fa, dato che non tutti seguono gli aggiornamenti twitter del suddetto, ho pensato che qualcuno potesse trovarlo un po' interessante (prima che venisse postato da altri con titoli "fuorvianti"...).
Eddie Guerrero was like a brother to me the last few years we were on the road together, I loved the guy and often dressed next to him in the locker room-Eddie was one of my groomsmen in my wedding and I did part of the eulogy at his funeral. Eddie really meant a lot to me and my family.

On the day he and another good friend, Kurt Angle, got into a fight backstage I was sitting next to Eddie’s bag when the fight broke out at “Gorilla”.

Right before you exit to go to the ring there is the first TV control room-Gorilla position, headed by Vince McMahon. The other TV control room with Kevin Dunn (best producer in TV, imo) is located in the TV truck in a separate part of the arena. In the Gorilla Position the agents stay with the folks that are producing talent-for the most part cameras and cameramen are directed from the truck with Mr Dunn.

Gorilla was named after Gorilla Monsoon who manned this place for years.
Eddie, like all Guerreros, had a wonderful temper, lol. I love the Guerreros, but those guys will fight each other if no one else is around. And, believe me; Guerreros are afraid of nothing and no one. They are all great down to earth guys that I have always loved being around.

In a match with Kurt, at TV one day, something didn’t go right and as they came back to Gorilla an argument ensued resulting in Eddie leg diving Kurt at the start of the fight. The fight was broken up quickly but it soon made its way back to the locker room.

I had no idea what was going on as the pull apart continued in the back. Eddie was now beside me, with people standing in front to stop the fight, staring at Kurt who was at the door being held back by John Laurinaitis and several others. I finally gleaned through all the ruckus that Eddie and Kurt had already gotten into it, it was broken up quickly, and Eddie had leg dived Kurt.

John Laurinaitis shut the door separating Kurt and Eddie So now (I can’t remember if it was only Eddie and I in the locker room or if a few more guys were in it)-, however, I’m the only one sitting next to Eddie on a bench-Eddie is fuming and saying nothing.

This is important to the story-Kurt Angle won a gold medal. That means that he wasn’t just good at wrestling, it doesn’t even mean he was great-it means out of 5 billion or how many people there are on the earth, no one could beat him! Put in a different way-he was the best wrestler on the planet and proved it.

Kurt had neck problems at this time and later joked to me, the animosity lasted only minutes between Kurt and Eddie, that Eddie-who was known to be quite the fighter, could have had a chance punching him but trying to wrestle him was the one thing Kurt felt very comfortable with. Remember, the second, third and all the other best wrestlers in the world tried this and failed.

So, now it’s just me and Eddie. I’m looking at him and he isn’t acknowledging me-he’s just staring at the door that is now closed, it’s getting kinda funny. So, I casually ask him (his eyes are bloodshot he is still so mad)-“Why would you leg dive a gold medalist?” Without hesitation and still looking at the door he replies loudly, “Because I’m stupid!”

I started laughing and finally Eddie did too, we laughed about that often. Needless to say, Kurt and Eddie were good friends both before this and after this-they had a little blow up is all-but the ending to it was a classic.
