Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

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Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:28

Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Sacher »

Impact 16.01.2015
* Apparently they started late again tonight.

* MVP and crew kicks off the show. They've got some eye candy with them. Their group is called The BDC for The Beatdown Clan. Eric Young comes out and gets booed. He says what fans think doesn't matter to him. EY talks about hating Bobby Roode. MVP calls out new World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley but Kurt Angle comes out instead. Angle goes face to face with Samoa Joe and punches him.

* Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle by submission when the referee went down and Joe hit Angle with a low blow. The BDC beat Angle down after the match until Roode made the save.

* Roode sits down in the middle of the ring for a promo. He's pissed off and says this crap in TNA has gone too far. Roode says he's going to make EY pay for his sins tonight.

* The Hardys vs. The Wolves II is next. The Revolution watches the match from the balcony. Jeff Hardy had a great spot at one point where he went to the top, walked from one turnbuckle to the other and then dove out onto The Wolves. The Hardys get the win and the two teams shake hands. This was said to be as good as you'd expect.

* Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode begins in the aisle and they start brawling around the ring. They brawled through the crowd and there were "we can't see you" chants. Young wins with a piledriver on a chair.

* MVP and Kenny King comes out. MVP says tonight is a night for celebrating and Lashley will be competing. This could have been for the live crowd.

* JB announces a Feast or Famine match for another episode.

* Velvet Sky and Angelina Love defeated Brooke Tessmacher and Taryn Terrell. BroMans were at ringside with The Beautiful People. Awesome Kong appears after the lights go out. She chokeslams Zema Ion. Havok's music hits and out she comes. Her and Kong face off in the middle of the ring but security breaks it up before anything happens.

* Low Ki vs. Austin Aries for the X Division Title is next. Ki gets the win to become the new champion, just one night after losing it. Ki got the win after Kenny King attacked Austin Aries on the top rope.

* MVP calls out Bobby Lashley and he shows this time. MVP says he got Lashley everything he has. MVP says The BDC (Beat Down Clan) owns the World Heavyweight Title. Lashley says the title is his. Lashley wants nothing to do with this and MVP is offended. They hug but Low Ki attacks and Lashley gets beat down by the group. Ki hits a double stomp to the back and MVP hits him with the belt. As they leave, MVP says the title doesn't belong to Lashley, it belongs to The BDC. (Note: Our correspondent wasn't sure if this is the final segment for the 1/16 episode or the opening segment for the 1/23 episode.)
Impact 23.01.2015
* MVP calls out Bobby Lashley and he shows this time. MVP says he got Lashley everything he has. MVP says The BDC (Beat Down Clan) owns the World Heavyweight Title. Lashley says the title is his. Lashley wants nothing to do with this and MVP is offended. They hug but Low Ki attacks and Lashley gets beat down by the group. Ki hits a double stomp to the back and MVP hits him with the belt. As they leave, MVP says the title doesn't belong to Lashley, it belongs to The BDC. (Note: Our correspondent wasn't sure if this is the final segment for the 1/16 episode or the opening segment for the 1/23 episode.)

* Havok vs. Gail Kim starts when they brawl on the ramp. The match ends in DQ when Havok shoves the referee. Havok drags Kim back to the ring for more punishment but the lights go out and Awesome Kong is here. Havok attacks but Kong no-sells it. Kong clotheslines Havok over the top rope and her music hits.

* Koya, the former Mahabali Shera from India, defeated Tigre Uno in a squash match. James Storm and The Revolution cut a promo on The Hardys. Apparently it will be Storm vs. Matt Hardy tonight.

* Feast or Fired match is next. British Bootcamp 2 winner Mark Andrews came out and took a seat in the crowd before the match began. The briefcases are on poles and wrestlers in the match are Rockstar Spud, Robbie E, Jessie Godderz, DJ Zema Ion, Crazzy Steve, Sam Shaw, Gunner, Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards, Bram, Magnus and Austin Aries. Spud climbs on top of Shaw to grab the first case. Aries acted like he was going to do a dive but ran to the top rope and grabbed the second case instead. Aries then dives out and retreats to the back. Apparently The Beautiful People got one of the cases, possibly for BroMans?, at the start of the match but nobody noticed. Magnus gets the last case.

* Ethan Carter III comes out with Tyrus. He calls Jeremy Borash to the ring for a match. JB is wearing jeans and a hoodie, and has Spud with him. EC3 talks trash and when JB takes the mic, he attacks EC3. JB had the upperhand until EC3 got pissed. He spit on Spud. Spud attacked but Tyrus took him out. UK star Mark Andrews from British Bootcamp 2 came over the barrier from his seat in the crowd. He hit the ring and helped Spud take out Tyrus and EC3.

* Matt Hardy vs. James Storm is next. Hardy gets the win with a small package. After the match, Storm offers to shake hands but Abyss attacks Hardy from behind. Storm ties Hardy up and Abyss grabs Janice but Jeff Hardy makes the save. He challenges Abyss to a Monster's Ball match for next week and gets the crowd to chant "Monster's Ball."

* Low Ki and Eric Young defeated Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode. MVP and Kenny King distracted the referee, allowing Young to hit Roode with a steel chair. Ki got the pin on Roode.

* Bobby Lashley vs a mystery opponent is next. Lashley comes down without the belt and is upset. He grabs the mic and tells them to bring his title out, now. Kenny King comes out and tells Lashley to go crying to the NYPD "if they don't choke or shoot" him first. This leads to King vs. Lashley with The BDC surrounding the ring. The whole group enters the ring and attacks Lashley, causing the end of the match. Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle make the save. Angle challenges The BDC to a six sides of steel match at tomorrow night's tapings.

Messaggi: 3646
Iscritto il: 08/10/2010, 5:23

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da E.Ganzerli »

Hai dimenticato la spiegazione di Young. Praticamente ha detto che ha tradito Roode perché non gli ha dato una title shot quando ha vinto il titolo e quando era in ospedale non lo ha chiamato ma gli ha mandato un messaggino.

Per Low Ki e Joe non han dato nessuna spiegazione, pare.

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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da RobLP »

E.Ganzerli ha scritto:Hai dimenticato la spiegazione di Young. Praticamente ha detto che ha tradito Roode perché non gli ha dato una title shot quando ha vinto il titolo e quando era in ospedale non lo ha chiamato ma gli ha mandato un messaggino.

Per Low Ki e Joe non han dato nessuna spiegazione, pare.
Che potenza di spiegazioni! :divertito1:

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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Gsquared »

Boh, aspettiamo la puntata. Magari han detto qualcosa che ci siamo persi, dai tapings non sempre si capisce tutto.
Low Ki che si riprende il titolo a minchia dopo averlo perso a minchia invece è una bella minchiata...
Lashley face è ucciderlo, perchè non è minimamente capace di reggersi da solo. Il che per me è positivo perchè lo trovavo già inutile da heel... spero che perda il titolo entro altre due settimane, visto l'andazzo.

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Jeff Hardy 18
Messaggi: 32550
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 9:55
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Jeff Hardy 18 »

Volenti o noleti Lashley è il "più noto", ha una sua logica dargli il titolo in questo contesto.

Bhò spero spieghino l'obiettivo del BDC, cioè se è solo per vincere il titolo di Lashley non si spiega:
1. Perchè Joe e Ki siano turnati per far vincere il titolo a MVP;
2. Perchè Ki si sia riconcentrato sul titolo X-Division.

E comunque vedendo la puntata scorsa sembrava si creassero 3 poli distinti di lotta: Revolution, l'oggi BDC e Roode. Eppure ciò non emerge, anzi si sono tutti piazzati in settori differenti della card. Più che uno sviluppo logico delle stable sembra sia l'unico modo per creare interesse a più livelli. Tag per i Revolution, X e Heavy per la BDC.

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Nonno Libero
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Nonno Libero »

Non capisco perché ridare il titolo a Low Ki…
Comunque Lashley face spero che serva per dare il titolo a Storm, già me lo vedo, puntata dopo Lockdown Storm che batte Lashley e diventa campione TNA.
Se sono un minimo intelligenti lo fanno, visto che ora in TNA l'unica cosa davvero ben riuscita è Storm.

Messaggi: 3646
Iscritto il: 08/10/2010, 5:23

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da E.Ganzerli »

Chi verrá licenziato con le valigette?

Messaggi: 3646
Iscritto il: 08/10/2010, 5:23

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da E.Ganzerli »

Questi son più dettagliati.

16 gennaio:
1/16 Impact Wrestling:

MVP's crew comes out for a promo. MVP said that they are the Beatdown Clan. They aren't the same blood but they are bonded by the blood they have spilled in he business, going back to their days in the independents in Florida. He said that Eric Young isn't part of the Clan but he wanted to introduce him as Young has something he wants to say. Young cut a long promo about how he gave Roode a shot when he was champion but Roode never gave him one and he was deserving. He then claimed when he was hurt and hospitalized defending Roode, all he got from Bobby was a text message. So, he took what Roode loved most, the World title and will continue taking everything he loves. MVP hen introduced new TNA champ Bobby Lashley, who did not come out. Instead out came Kurt Angle. He cut a promo and said Bobby Roode was going to kick Young's ass. Angle called The Clan a bunch of thugs. Samoa Joe got in his face and Angle nailed him.

*Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle via choke after a ref bump and a low kick. The Beatdown Clan hit the ring and put the boots to Angle, Four Horsemen style. Bobby Roode hit therein with a steel chair to make the save and ran them off.

*Bobby Roode cut a promo in the ring. He said he's been trying to keep his composure but Eric Young already went too far with what he said. Roode said tonight isn't about pro wrestling and he's going to make Young pay.

*The Hardy Boys defeated The Wolves in a great back and forth match. James Storm's Revolution were in the balcony watching.

*Eric Young pinned Bobby Roode after a piledriver on a chair in a entertaining brawl. MVP came out and cut a promo knocking Roode and saying he was going to have to the hospital while they had a World championship celebration with Lashley later.

*The Beautiful People defeated Brooke Tessmacher & Taryn Terrell after Love hooked the tights as Robbie E. Distracted Brooke. The lights went out and Awesome Kong was in the ring behind the BP. She laid em and DJ Zema Ion out. Havok came out and they had a face off until security stepped in.

*Low Ki pinned Austin Aries to regain the TNA X-Division championship in a good match after Kenny King interfered.

*The Beatdown Clan came out for the championship celebration. MVP said they are the talk of the world and now the World title has come home. Lashley came out. MVP took credit for his success and said the title belongs to all of them. Lashley said he's he champ and the title belongs to only him. MVP said they protect him and he's about family. Lashley said that's not what he's about, MVP tried to convince him and Lashley warned him to take his hands off him, or else. MVP said if it was anyone else, he wouldn't be forgiven but Lashley helped him in that other company and they go way back so he will accept they are going to walk different paths. He hugs Lashley and gives him the kiss of death and they all destroy the champion. MVP says the title doesn't belong to Lashley but the Beatdown Clan. They take the belt. End of episode.
23 gennaio:
Impact January 23rd:

*Gail Kim defeated Havok by DQ in a short but fun brawl. Havok kept beating on her and the lights went out and Kong appeared. They had a short brawl.

*Shera pinned Tigre Uno. James Storm cut a promo in his bout against Matt Hardy later tonight.

*Feast or Fired: Samuel Shaw, Crazzy Steve, The Bromans, Rockstar Spud, Gunner, The Wolves, Bram, Magnus, Austin Aries. Velvet Sky helped Robbie E get one of the briefcases. Rockstar Spud gets the second case. Austin Aries gets number three. Magnus got the fourth.

*EC3 vs. Jeremy Borash (not a typo). Carter tried to announce his own match as he's wrestling but JB tells him he can't announce and drills him with the mic. JB gets some offense in but it wiped out. Spud tries to help but Tyrus gets involved. British Bootcamp 2 winner Mark Andrews gets involves and hits some big highspots to run off EC3 and Tyrus.

*Matt Hardy pinned James Storm in a good match. Abyss attacked Hardy after and pulled out Janice but Jeff Hardy hit the ring with a chair. Jeff challenged Abyss to a Monster's Ball match next week.

*Low Ki and Eric Young defeated Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode after distraction from Beatdown Clan.

*Bobby Lashley came out and demanded his title get returned. Kenny King came out and cut a promo. Lashley told him to get the belt or they were go into fight. along said he would fight but invited the Beatdown Clan to come watch. MVP had the belt with him as if he was champion. Beatdown Clan interfered for the DQ and attacked Lashley, Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle hit the ring for the save.

*They announced tomorrow's Lockdown Taping is sold out.

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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Double_L »

E.Ganzerli ha scritto:Chi verrá licenziato con le valigette?
Penso e spero uno dei Bro Mans.

Ma il senso di togliere il titolo X-Division a Low Ki per farglielo riprendere già la settimana successiva? :shock

Il turn face di Lashley era prevedibile, lo si vedeva sin da come erano andate le ultime puntate dell'anno scorso. Un turn face importante serviva visto che c'erano solo Bobby Roode e Kurt Angle contro sta BDC anche se Lashley face mi lascia molto a desiderare.

Messaggi: 3646
Iscritto il: 08/10/2010, 5:23

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da E.Ganzerli »

Double_L ha scritto: Penso e spero uno dei Bro Mans.

Ma il senso di togliere il titolo X-Division a Low Ki per farglielo riprendere già la settimana successiva? :shock

Il turn face di Lashley era prevedibile, lo si vedeva sin da come erano andate le ultime puntate dell'anno scorso. Un turn face importante serviva visto che c'erano solo Bobby Roode e Kurt Angle contro sta BDC anche se Lashley face mi lascia molto a desiderare.
Le valigette le han prese Robbie E, Magnus, Aries e Spud. Dovessi scommettere su un nome direi addirittura Aries.
Il turn di Lashley l'han suggerito ma, come al solito, fan 6 mesi di storyline in 2 puntate.

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Messaggi: 13428
Iscritto il: 03/03/2011, 23:07
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Double_L »

E.Ganzerli ha scritto:
Le valigette le han prese Robbie E, Magnus, Aries e Spud. Dovessi scommettere su un nome direi addirittura Aries.
Il turn di Lashley l'han suggerito ma, come al solito, fan 6 mesi di storyline in 2 puntate.
Velvet Sky helped Robbie E get one of the briefcases.

Vero, nello spoiler in prima pagina avevo letto che le Beautiful People avevano dato una valigetta ai Bro Mans quindi era generico, così invece è chiaro che è Robbie E. Difficile che venga licenziato lui se ha appena rinnovato.

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Jeff Hardy 18
Messaggi: 32550
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 9:55
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Jeff Hardy 18 »

Robbie E -->Tag
Spud -->X
Aries -->Fired
Magnus -->World

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Messaggi: 6180
Iscritto il: 22/12/2010, 22:28

Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Sacher »

E.Ganzerli ha scritto:
Le valigette le han prese Robbie E, Magnus, Aries e Spud. Dovessi scommettere su un nome direi addirittura Aries.
Il turn di Lashley l'han suggerito ma, come al solito, fan 6 mesi di storyline in 2 puntate.
Magnus. Tanto c'hanno Bram :IT:

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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da Gsquared »

Sacher ha scritto: Magnus. Tanto c'hanno Bram :IT:
Come se Magnus avesse mai dimostrato realmente qualcosa, per inciso. Cioè, meglio di Bram lo è sicuramente, non sono cieco, ma non mi ricordo una sua prestazione in ring superiore al 7 in tutta la sua carriera, e non è neanche tutto questo granchè nell'extra ring...
Detto questo, in un mondo ideale farebbero fuori Robbie E, ma è troppo in tema con il network e ha appena rifirmato. Spero davvero che non si perda Aries, a malincuore preferirei a questo punto fosse Spud. Anche perchè non so più cosa possano fargli fare in queste condizioni.

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Messaggi: 21564
Iscritto il: 23/12/2010, 16:42
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Re: Tapings TNA Gennaio 2015 Manhattan Center

Messaggio da salettone »

quest'anno c'arrivano a quota 10 monster's ball match?
