Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

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Iscritto il: 17/10/2014, 10:29

Re: ** Topic Ufficiale ** GFW Impact Wrestling Tapings Resul

Messaggio da Vincenzo »



* Eddie Edwards vs Kaito Kiyomayi from Pro Wrestling Noah. Kaito's chest a had mark from Eddie's chops. Eddie won with the Boston Knee Party.


* Eli Drake & Chris Adonis vs Petey Williams & Johnny Impact. Good match with the heels keeping Petey isolated for a long time. Impact gets the pin Adonis with Starship Pain. After the match, Alberto attacks Eli, lays him out and puts the World Title on him.

In between matches, there was a video for the Children's Make A Wish Foundation, as there's about 40 of the children here tonight. And Alberto's new blonde groupie arrived after the match. There was a 20 year veteran, Jody Mitic, who lost both of his legs in Afghanistan, was honoured and was the guest ring announcer for the next match.

* Caleb Konley (w/ Trevor Lee) vs Taiji Ishimori. Ishimori wins the 450 splash. Trevor & Caleb try to beat down Taiji, but Desmond Xavier evens things up and they clear the ring.

* The second 3 way semifinal for the vacant KO's title: Sienna vs Rosemary vs Allie. The faces work together early, but it didn't last long. The finish came when Allie tried for a Code Breaker move, but Rosemary caught her with The Red Wedding to win and will face Laurel Van Ness for the belt.

* 6 man tag match: Alberto El Patron, Petey Williams & Johnny Impact vs. Chris Adonis, Eli Drake & Jimmy Jacobs, who calls himself "The Princess." When Johnny comes down, Alberto grabs the ring announcer's chair as if to protect himself. They're taking on Jacobs says he's not their partner, as he brings out Kongo Kong. Alberto eventually sort of turns on his team with a backstabber to Impact, but stays in the match. Kongo at one point grabs Petey to the outside and powerslams through a barricade by the ramp. Johnny appears to have the pin on Eli after Starship Pain, but Alberto pulls him out, DDTS him on the ramp and hits a Frog Splash to steal the pin for his team.

* OVE (w/ Sami Callahan). Callahan trashes Canada, Mexico, & AAA. He says they're tired of L.A.X. & this feud will come to an end soon. TDT: (Dubois & St. Jacques) do a promo in French. Sami tells to speak American & one of them boot Callihan in the face. OVE get the numbers advantage, set up chairs in the ring to put one of DDT through them, but all of L.A.X. - except no Diamente - chase them off. Santana gets a Canadian flag to hold up along with the others.

* IMPACT GRAND TITLE MATCH: Matt Sydal vs EC3. Fallah Bahh is one of the judges, and is wearing a black suit jacket with no shirt and his wrestling trunks. EC3 dominates round 1 with power moves to win those round. Sydal does a lot of high spots to win round 2. Sydal goes for a Shooting Star Press late, but EC3 ducks & they both collide heads and stay down until the end of the round. The judge first judge award round 1 to Ethan, judge 2 to Matt, & Fallah Bahh declares it 10-10, so the match is a draw, but EC3 retains.

* Moose & "The Cowboy" James Storm vs. Lashley & Dan Lambert. All of American Top accompanied them. Lambert competed barefoot and did nothing except attempt pins. He never even took a punch or a bump. One of ATT - the one who has still has a neck brace - comes in the ring to stop the match, but he's thrown out on top of the other guys by Storm. The distraction allows Bobby to get a spear; Lambert makes a blind tag and gets the cheap pin.

* Eli Drake & Chris Adonis are out. Eli complains about the weather in Ottawa. Apparently they're supposed to be having a match in NJ, which Eli won and Eli's scheduled for a match in Detroit for BCW (Border City Wrestling). Alberto comes down and wants a one on one match tonight with Drake. Johnny Impact comes down & says to tell the internet he's going to be in Detroit too, then first attacks El Patron and then Drake and Adonis. Johnny holds the title to end the segment.

* KO match: Sienna vs KC Spinelli vs Madison Rayne vs Allie. Allie wins when Sienna goes for her finisher & rolls her up. I believe this a #1 contenders match.

* Trevor Lee & Caleb Konley vs Desmond Xavier & Taiji Ishimori. Ishimori continues to get the better of Trevor as he pins him with a rollup.

* Moose & James Storm promo. Moose says he's sick of American Top Team interfering & asks Lashley to come down as he wants in a one on one match. Lashley & Lambert arrive and Bobby says he accepts Moose's challenge but it'll be on his terms. Storm then tells Lambert he respects Lambert for creating American Top team and that they're the best MMA training facility, but he calls Dan a piece of crap. He wants a match with Lambert and if he wins, Dan and American Top Team have to leave Impact for good. Lambert counters by saying if he wins, this will be The Cowboy's last match with the company; Storm agrees. As Bobby & Lambert leave KM tries to sneak attack Storm but he lays him out with The Last Call. I don't know if KM's teasing an alliance with ATT, but it seemed for him to appear.

* Rosemary vs Laurel Van Ness for the vacant Knockouts Title. Good long match aggressive match by the women. In the end, Rosemary is seated on the top turnbuckle and tries to spit mist on Laurel, but Laurel puts her hand up to Rosemary's mouth to stop most of the mist from getting on her and rubs it into Rosemary's eyes (the referee had been pushed out of the way Laurel just and didn't see what happened). Laurel then fools up with an Unprettier with Rosemary still on the top rope to win her first KO's title.

* The last match off the night was Eli Drake defending The Impact World Title vs Alberto El Patron and Johnny impact in 6 sides of steel. The title could be won by pinfall or escaping the cage. (This was also a Genesis themed show, but they didn't say when it would be airing). At one point Johnny was on top of the cafe and both men were down but he decided to do a huge cross body onto both men. Later on as he was trying to scale down the cage, he jumped but Chris Adonis caught him and held him as Eli climbed down first to retain. Alberto was down inside the cage and he couldn't escape in time either.

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Iscritto il: 17/10/2014, 10:29

Re: ** Topic Ufficiale ** GFW Impact Wrestling Tapings Resul

Messaggio da Vincenzo »

I tapings dovrebbero coprire fino all'episodio del 28 Dicembre o 4 Gennaio.
Quindi molto probabile che i prossimi tapings di Impact Wrestling si terranno nella prima o nella seconda settimana di Gennaio.

Se fossi in loro farei il primo episodio (quindi del 4 o dell'11 Gennaio) in diretta e nei giorni successivi i tapings.

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Iscritto il: 17/10/2014, 10:29

Re: ** Topic Ufficiale ** GFW Impact Wrestling Tapings Resul

Messaggio da Vincenzo »

Durante i tapings di questa notte si terrà un Barbed Wire Massacre Match tra gli oVe e i LAX!!


Spero gli diano un buon minutaggio, potrebbe uscire un ottimo match :godimento:

Lurker curioso
Messaggi: 522
Iscritto il: 14/10/2013, 20:39

Re: ** Topic Ufficiale ** GFW Impact Wrestling Tapings Resul

Messaggio da Lurker curioso »

Vincenzo ha scritto:I tapings dovrebbero coprire fino all'episodio del 28 Dicembre o 4 Gennaio.
Quindi molto probabile che i prossimi tapings di Impact Wrestling si terranno nella prima o nella seconda settimana di Gennaio.

Se fossi in loro farei il primo episodio (quindi del 4 o dell'11 Gennaio) in diretta e nei giorni successivi i tapings.
magari ricordo male ma le 2 ultime settimane dell'anno vanno in ferie

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Messaggi: 3385
Iscritto il: 17/10/2014, 10:29

Re: ** Topic Ufficiale ** GFW Impact Wrestling Tapings Resul

Messaggio da Vincenzo »

Lurker curioso ha scritto: magari ricordo male ma le 2 ultime settimane dell'anno vanno in ferie

Sai che non ricordo? Vediamo appena escono i tapings di stanotte se andranno in onda durante e dopo Natale.
Ultima modifica di Vincenzo il 10/11/2017, 9:21, modificato 1 volta in totale.

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Messaggi: 3385
Iscritto il: 17/10/2014, 10:29

Re: ** Topic Ufficiale ** GFW Impact Wrestling Tapings Resul

Messaggio da Vincenzo »


Durante i tapings di Impact Wrestling, ha fatto il suo debutto il wrestler "All Ego" Ethan Page.
Il wrestler ha debuttato con il nome di Chandler Park ed era accompagnato dal suo manager Joseph Park


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Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Gsquared »

Dicono anche che il match abbia fatto cagare. E soprattutto che Storm ha lasciato :(
Non capirò mai una federazione che ha sempre una storyline per Grado, ma che faceva vagare Storm nel nulla.

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Iscritto il: 17/10/2014, 10:29

Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Vincenzo »

Gsquared ha scritto:Dicono anche che il match abbia fatto cagare. E soprattutto che Storm ha lasciato :(
Non capirò mai una federazione che ha sempre una storyline per Grado, ma che faceva vagare Storm nel nulla.
Ah, peccato, ho letto che fosse un "top independent wrestler" - mai visto lottare.
Da come ho capito, ha fatto solo 1 match e non dovrebbe lottare fino a prossimi tapings a Gennaio (se lo hanno preso).

Hai ragione su Storm...Mai capito perchè 2 anni fa lo abbiano ripreso dandogli una barca di soldi e non l'abbiano fatto campione (anche solo per 6 mesi tipo) e/o fatto stare comunque nel ME fisso come "veterano" che aiuta i vari Eli Drake (per esempio).

Durante i tapings di stanotte, James Storm ha ringraziato tutti (da Dixie Carter fino a Jeff Jarrett) e dato l'"addio" ai fans.
Il suo contratto scade oggi e, almeno per il momento, sembra che non ci sia un accordo per il suo rinnovo.

Da oggi quindi Storm è un free agent e può negoziare con qualsiasi federazione.

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Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Saimas »

Bene, non sono più costretto a vedermi quella merda di Federazione Zombie finalmente.

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Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Double_L »

Mammamia, se ne va anche James Storm. Di originals dunque è rimasto solo Abyss/Joseph Park assieme ai rientranti di quest'anno Petey Williams e Sonjay Dutt.

Ma quel Chandler Park in storyline sarebbe un altro fratello di Abyss e Joseph Park :divertito2: o magari questo è il cugino? :intelligente2:

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Iscritto il: 17/10/2014, 10:29

Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Vincenzo »


Taiji Ishimori def. Trevor Lee via pinfall following a 450 Splash to win the X-Division title, despite a lot of interference from Caleb Konley

- EC3 def. Matt Sydal and Fallah Bahh by decision to retain the Grand championship. Bahh dominated and won round one, but was knocked out of the ring early in the second, allowing the champ to take it. Round three was described as pretty even with lots of offense from Bahh, so the decision to give it to EC3 is controversial.

- Joseph Park introduces the newest member of the roster, Chandler Park. Chandler rolls up Josh Boldin(?) after Joseph punched him to win his debut.

- Dan Lambert def. James Storm via pinfall in a career vs. career match after lots of interference from ATT and KM. Two beer bottle shots to the head set-up the finish.

- The Cowboy delivers an emotional farewell, telling his family he’s gonna be home for a while now, and thanking his wife and kids, the fans, Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett and Bob Ryder before spraying beer on the crowd and leaving.

- LAX def. oVe via pinfall following their blockbuster/powerbomb combo to win the tag titles. The Crists were without Callihan, and sneak attacked Konnan and Ortiz before the bell to isolate Santana, who survived alone until Ortiz recovered.

- Kongo Kong (with Jimmy “The Princess” Jacobs) def. Kaito Kiyomayi via pinfall following a top rope splash in a total squash

- Lambert and ATT are out to brag about his win over Storm and talk trash about pro wrestlers. He introduces KM as the newest member of their squad. KM boasts about taking out Storm and Moose, which brings out Moose to just start wailing on him. Lashley gets involved, which brings out Eddie Edwards even things up. The faces end up cornering Lambert before his team pulls him to safety.

- The Grand champion cuts a promo calling Matt Sydal a choker, and gets in some shots about the local NHL team. EC3 issues a non-title open challenge which is answered by Petey Williams. Sydal comes through crowd and attacks, giving EC3 a DQ win. Petey looks pissed, but shakes hands with Matt to end the segment.

- Laurel Van Ness def. KC Spinelli via pinfall following an Unprettier to retain the Knockouts championship. Allie attacked the champ afterwards.

- Sonjay Dutt, Garza Jr. and Desmond Xavier def. Trevor Lee, Caleb Konley & Hakim Zane via pinfall (Xavier on Konley following his corkscrew senton bomb); Ishimori comes down with his belt and shakes hands with Dezmond after they tease some tension.

- Lashley and KM def. Eddie Edwards and Moose via pinfall (KM with The Ego Driver on Edwards); Lashley and Moose brawled to the back, and interference from Dan Lambert and ATT assisted KM in getting the win

- Kongo Kong (with Jacobs) def. Chandler Park (with Joseph Park) in a squash

- LAX def. oVe in a barbed wire match to retain the tag titles. Callihan was back with the Crists; Konnan and Homicide were with the champs. Trash cans, forks, tequila and barbed wire tables all were used. The finish saw Santana superplex Jake off a ladder through a table.
Ultima modifica di Vincenzo il 13/11/2017, 10:23, modificato 2 volte in totale.

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Emperador Horace
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Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Emperador Horace »

Laurel credo che piaccia molto a D'Amore. Ma Taijaro chi è? Sembra un nome di quelli che tirava fuori Paolantoni mentre interpretava il puzzaiolo Ciairo (Ciro).

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Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Uno/due »

ma, come ho già detto, non è laurel a disturbarmi (poveraccia, lo merita pure), ma il come

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Jeff Hardy 18
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Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Jeff Hardy 18 »

Vincenzo ha scritto: Ah, peccato, ho letto che fosse un "top independent wrestler" - mai visto lottare.
:divertito1: :divertito1: :divertito1: :divertito1: :divertito1: :divertito1: :divertito1:

Se Ethan Page è un "top independent wrestler" la TNA è la federazione numero 2 al mondo.

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Messaggi: 3385
Iscritto il: 17/10/2014, 10:29

Re: Impact Wrestling Tapings Results | Topic Ufficiale

Messaggio da Vincenzo »

Jeff Hardy 18 ha scritto:
Se Ethan Page è un "top independent wrestler" la TNA è la federazione numero 2 al mondo.
Boh, come detto non lo conosco.

L'ho letto qui, per esempio: ... mer-photos" onclick=";return false;
